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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Why do you waste the limited money you have on match tickets? line up at the gate to get in and hand over cash to the turnstile operator just like you would everywhere else, but then handed over a match ticket ?this seems like a highly pointless excersize IMO
  2. Celtic TV only slightly more biased than the Falkirk twitter account
  3. i loved chic young's desperate final minutes commentary he was trying to describe the action but he was too busy with wild scenes of celebration for goals that never existed
  4. If Dunfermline don't win an early promotion i wont be able to live with myself
  5. if i wanted to see what someone was replying to i was click view conversation like i rarely did this is terrible
  6. AFAIK only Austin McCann has me blocked
  7. #askJohn seems to be up for answering the shite p&br's usually fling to these things
  8. could be making an apperance on this thread in the near future after what i just saw....
  9. i was so happy to find out that considering the wreck i was in wednesday/saturday i once again avoided the dreaded nightclub snapper Wednesday was quite p&b appropriate though considering it was and they were doing um-bongo slushies...
  10. the silent protest has been pretty vocal
  11. passing the buck, if people get so offended by things said to them on the internet they should be forced to log off
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