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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. anyone think Rangers (the) are going to release their own newspaper or something
  2. quite strange that he wouldnt even be training with you something must have went down?
  3. good result for you guys today in that case we are hearing rumours that the Chris Smith loan deal has been completed? is anyone able to do a bit of digging thanks
  4. best deflection ive ever seen David Field No current company in Scottish football has won the European cup if ur on about pacific shelf 595s former company then that's different if we are rangers 2012 then your Celtic 1994 7 minutes ago via mobile http://www.facebook.com/BBCSportsound/posts/140363936127425?comment_id=246827&notif_t=like
  5. the new clubs players were running about like them on saturday headless versions of course
  6. very distressing to see that ragers fans are still stuck between stage 1 & 2
  7. probably spent about £80 got £40 back off the puggys due to putting £1 into every single one i came across ETA: if im there i still owe you a couple
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