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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. hes also claiming they have taken out an £11m loan who the hell would lend this shady bunch £11m
  2. & im sure they said this the whole week ahead of us is going to be a massive PR exercise by the clubs with very similar statements this time next week we will be getting told they did what we asked of them
  3. one of my mates got her pic taken with that guy
  4. but thats not what they said they said they would vote for SFL3...... "We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed." "Annan were the last club to join the SFL, in Division Three, replacing Gretna after their neighbours went into liquidation following relegation from the SPL four years ago and McLelland thinks that set a precedent." clearly saying they will vote them into SFL3
  5. bnut that part of the vote places them in division 3 initially which is where these chairman have been saying they will vote them into read between the lines abit and see it for the bigger stich up than we origionally thought
  6. yes if rangers are to play in SFL1 the way the vote is they must be voted into SFL3 & moved by the board there is no vote rangers to SFL1 option
  7. not really, under thne current terms of vote annan are effectively voting them into SFL 1
  8. im still very chuffed that my own views on everything were actually mirrored almost word for word by my clubs chairman,he gets such a hard time from our support but i regularly find myself agreeing with what he says. & also as ive already said its not my clubs fault the vote is set up to be rigged so i couldn't bring myself to hurt them off the back of it i do understand however why that isn't popular, but if i have sent an email asking my club to vote them into SFL3 at highest & they do i struggle to see how i could justify(to myself) a boycott (of home games) the clubs involed in the process of picking such a question yes i most likely would refuse to give my cash though i dont understand the problem with my stance ,would someone mind trying one more time to explain why they believe this to be wrong?
  9. ah yes sorry i think they said that had a nap after it so i must have forgot that
  10. something very interesting (possibly) from OTB was Alex Thomson mentioning the big tax case i just assumed due to liquidation this was no longer of relevance?
  11. my view of the future newco to SFL1 , sevco fans not happy& dont turn up & sevco go into administration on Feb 14th 2013 another newco is set up & admitted directly into the SPL.................
  12. My club has stated they believe that newco should start nowhere other than SFL3 & i agree with them to vote newco into the SFL setup they MUST vote them into SFL 3 (according to the question) after that point my club has no part in the further decision as to whether they can be moved to SFL 1 calling me stupid & spelling roll as role
  13. IMO the only way out of this mess now is for dundee & dunfermline to withdraw application to SPL leaving no vacancy in the SFL only way we can salvage anything left from this is to put the SPL back in the shit now
  14. not for me anymore the clubs can only vote on what they are asked & nwhat they are asked is wrong , i wont punish my club for trying to do the right thing
  15. so depending on how far down the league they finish next year will determine the new size of the SPL the following year?
  16. my understanding of what i heard today SFL asked if Rangers should be accepted into the SFL setup - SFL asked if Rangers should start in SFL3 (& if yes the SFL board can change this to division 1 should they wish ) so to read between the lines a little as before mentioned its already been decided that Rangers will be in SFL1 but this "vote" is infact a face saving attempt so that the clubs can say they voted Rangers into SFL3 but Longmuir & Ballantyne have decided to take the flak surely they don't think were that easy to pull the wool over our eyes after everything that's came before?
  17. he was a hero until the start of his 2nd season when they realised he was a pile of pish
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