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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. got a tweet from john mackay earlier first non football well known person
  2. a pint of pineapple juice sadly its not the best pineapple juice ive had
  3. ah yo have just jogged my memory of a RM Classic where this guy was going on about being appauled a guy was getting arrested for doing something up at aberdeen he regalled us with tales of battering polis who dared to try arrest anyone in the past & he was disgusted this doesnt happen anymore thankyou having a wee chuckle at that
  4. how did it get to that stage i remember the hillarious letter from uefa about not being allowed to play in europe , what changed after that
  5. bullshit , wont happen etc etc the police did fuckall about the sectarian singing clearly seen in the john brown videos (apart from smile)
  6. was i right in what i said earlier that the minimum requirement is that you are working towards it or am i typing with my face
  7. ^^^ living in the past imo
  8. sorry mate thats not quite right Ayr United dont have one, amoungst a couple other clubs min req is that you are working towards it
  9. but if it would never be up for consideration surely luck cant come into it
  10. i must be near getting this job in the office of a box factory
  11. they show one SPL league game every round full match but not live its always a saturday game & rangers & celtic dont feature i believe (or maybye i just havent noticed them)
  12. Ladybug guy from the Catty Is he a bird? is he a plane? nah, he's rocking a corset tonight in the catty. YAS!
  13. who would you say has come out of this well and badly in the media il start Good: i think STV have been good throughout especially some of the guys on twitter Bad: Jim Traynor has come out of it terribly
  14. kinda, sky sports have a budget to work towards , they get more viewers for wwe,epl , la liga & f1 just to name a few so they will be more handsomely "rewarded" a more interesting table produced would be the sky sports table to see how we compete vs the other products (quite well i would suggest)
  15. i think there are posts missing as the board was reset to how it was at 10:30 last night
  16. all is forgiven Johnston you actually did the right thing in going against your fans let us win our cup back & wheres our gate share
  17. thank you for your message rustyarabnuts the point you raised about fairplay is both fair and valid and will be taken into consideration at a meeting held later tonight yours in boycott, itzdrk
  18. Dear Araminta Moonbeam QC It is with regret that i have came to the following decision i have decided to boycott your boycott Thanks, itzdrk
  19. to the contrary, i think we should be continuing down the part we have set out all along, not in the game or division 3 regardless of what anyone (outside influences apparently) says i think if the SFL say they have these powers we should be suggesting to clubs if that's the case they should feel free to vote "no" as it is not their fault then & if they don't have the power the bluff will truly have been called
  20. i have no idea atall but according to longmuir in the video i posted up earlier from stv they can overturn or push through what they want
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