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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. is that not celtics european font? or it was one season anyways, always asumed thats why they used it
  2. you have to ask why they want them in division 1 so badly ? surely they would be better served for their greed in the SPL ? but wait its of course because they would probably get relegated from the SPL and not be there for the 2013/14 season when they must be there or a tv deal goes away....
  3. il think about making a decision & get back to you but then again maybye i wont
  4. aint got no MW radio wheres thon sportsound link cant wait to hear traynor
  5. wait wait wait im reading back through this mornings posts SPFL is a proposal Doncaster wants to deal with the newco problem..............BY SETTING UP A NEWCO (appologies for typing like leggo)
  6. finally watching bomber broon "title deeds" "if its ticketus tell us what we owe ye il gee ye a pound" "title deeds" "this wee girl eh boy" "title deeds" "public park" "forget david murray" "you work" sectarian singing f**k the polis 2 secs later "we have wur dignninty"
  7. re: the sun article so green is saying IF sevco are permitted an SPL place they will appologise for the past so does that mean he has no intention of it should they not
  8. looks like il be getting banned for annoying McKee http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/179858-things-that-should-be-easy/page__p__6394403__fromsearch__1#entry6394403
  9. but they arent their vote is supposed to be whether sevco 5088 can play in the SPL next season if they say yes the theoreticals of the SFL doesnt matter if they vote no its actually none of their business what the SFL do as they are not part of it they would be voting blind if both responses affected them
  10. what exactly would they vote on & they arent voting blind either sevco applied to them (SPL) first so they obviously have to vote first
  11. what do you think about this for league reconstruction re-name the first Scottish Premier Division with no promotion see what uefa/fifa do with that mindfuck (invite those who vote no its not there fault)
  12. i know ive just said it but surely the spl chairmen arent such bad businessmen they think this will all be forgotten by this time next year and those who have been lied too will just buy a new season ticket the most short sighted thing ive ever heard its like gambling your whole wage on payday
  13. part 1: id like to dedicate the upcoming vote to the morons who went out and bought season tickets off the back of a statement you knew they would listen to your thoughts because they didn't have your money so you gave them it before the vote meaning they could change their mind you take some of the blame in this if its true part 2: surely these SPL chairmen cant be businessmen right saying you will listen to the fans then changing your mind about it , that season ticket money it may turn out they lied to get will only be there for this season what are they going to do next year when people dont renew or even this one when they are bombarded with refund requests so short sighted
  14. has anyone worked out how sponsors can claim compensation if sevco arent allowed in the SPL btw ? meant to ask this before
  15. shamelessly doing it to get a RT from the cockwomble bot
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