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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. it appears rainjurz fans dont realise they have actually brought the game into disrepute and seem to think this is harsher than when livi were sent to the lowest level of scottish football
  2. the ONLY way that would work if its a guy who NOBODY else is interested in and they can prove it and even at that it almost definately still wouldnt work i still think D&P should get them all excited about taking it there but
  3. "Tell me how it is going to affect me? I couldn't care less. It makes no difference to my life whatsoever - and good luck collecting the money."
  4. id be down with them doing that, being rangers fans they'll arrive at 3:05 anyways
  5. right i actually googled it but they are going to court for an administration order which according to where i looked is
  6. court stuff im clueless about (amoungst plenty other subjects im informed) what exactly/roughly does that mean? also its on wednesday not today
  7. K**** M**** Smile each day ! Laugh until it hurts! And always remain positive ! Each day is like a new life and a new beginning! 23 minutes ago K**** M**** I don't hate you, your just no longer worth my time ! 24 minutes ago · K**** M**** This is my life (: If you like it, great. If you don't, then feel free to walk out just as quick as you came in. Just saying. 28 minutes ago 3 in a row
  8. i clicked on someones horroscope on twitter, now it posts mine like every day and i have no idea what it is to get rid of it
  9. ive imposed a ban on twitter from 2pm on a saturday until much later in the day now (beta test tomorow) some of my in game tweets have been a horror show incidents like "the partick tweet" need to not happen again it makes me come across more of a c**t than i already am
  10. false middle names stop people from school from adding me well that and the hiv
  11. cant wait for the protest they gonna "show liquidation the red card" again
  12. lets be honest here this miller guy will get everything he wants/asks for if he promises he will "save" rangers
  13. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=217321 dunno if anyones posted this, but its just hitting this guy whats going on
  14. least we know , he will be a pro diver learning from the best
  15. shame he didn't goto america for a scholarship
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