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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. if rangers are to be saved i really hope its the blue knights/ticketus bid that wins that one just reeks of more dodgy dealings
  2. was all this sending money to a clown some form of papal paypal conspiracy
  3. seems legit Kelly-anne Mcafferty been in jail 7 hours maybee if eddy had just listened too the warning then maybee thiss all wouldnt have happened got court tomorrow at 12am X Like · · 40 minutes ago ·
  4. right heres the deal guys we have to start letting them win and win big so they have to pay out win , goal clean sheet bonus'
  5. i firmly believe the administrators got fed up barganing with the players on their contracts , and just went into *rangers mode* and told them "aye sure guys deffer the wages? we can do that"
  6. aye i can see how a couple of guys taking a pay cut has completely saved rangers from the chance of liquidation
  7. mibi the phoenix club will be an arab club run by brahim hemdani the "proddy arab"
  8. however a good 7 goal rout at the big house for 8 man raselik would be comedy gold
  9. i have just been followed by something called @MasonicGloves "manufacturers and distributors of quality and specialist real leather gloves, specialised in masonic symbols" fire in rangers fans also im @itzdrk
  10. i would only change #2 selling it to some "kafflik" organisation would be utterly hillarious
  11. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=french%20chairman%20messi&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fswns.com%2Fvillage-club-chairman-suspended-after-lionel-messi-transfer-bid-101722.html&ei=98tKT56oHKaq0QWs3ZWRDg&usg=AFQjCNEBCOOMQH-kwAdy09BQIkG_LD9cWg
  12. so could spartans for example offer to come into the SPL with a 15pts deduction per season for 3 seasons and a european ban
  13. top notch read http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=212035
  14. http://newsmanc.co.uk/2012/02/15/news-council-plan-sponsored-city-trash-for-glasgow-rangers/
  15. i remember this one day in music i was sitting minding my own business listening to my music (worked out after i grew my hair i stopped getting caught listening to it haha) and all of a sudden this girl tries to get me in the face with a marker pen , unfortunately for her she missed, and i decided i would get her back so i obtained one and tried to get her back unfortunately i also missed, however she was obese , to call her fat would be an insult to the weight this girl truely carried, and in order to avoid being penned she went on the back two legs of the chair the back two legs couldnt handle the pressure and bent all the way to the bit thats on your back and as she hit the ground her sheer fatness was enough to snap the two front legs this same girl one day outside home ec was trying to be a wido again and i cant quite remember how it came to this point but she claimed she didnt like chocolate and had only eaten it once que me unzipping the part of her bag we knew she kept about 40 chocolate bars in and them falling all over the floor well known peadophile teacher Brian Lobodzinski was there breifly http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Teacher+had+1000+child+porn+images%3B+EXCLUSIVE.-a0121055447 he was there in 2002 for a small period also turns out the teacher i was saying about earlier in the thread it turns out one of my now mates made him a myspace page after i left (its obviously a couple years old now) http://www.myspace.com/bjhazelhurst dunno if you can make out just how bad his hair truely is in the pictures but good to see folk were still having a laugh at his expense after i left
  16. havent watched it for a while how many folk have been kane now haha is that 4?
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