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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. somehow my phone is doing this not even a contract
  2. fpund some viewings, just hoping my mobile internet will be fast eunuf hahaha
  3. see in relation to the figures i posted earlier, was thinking if that is the case that would surely quash the mystery buyer theory because they would be having to spend £60m-£70m in the first season seriously unless this CVA is between 1p and 5p to the £1 they are destroyed
  4. right heres my view what seems to be the standard for scottish clubs going down the CVA route they have mainly been 20p to the£1 which makes the debt Craig Whyte said £35.5M which is still a MASSIVE debt of similar size to what the total debt was to lloyds (i think, could have got that wrong but?) and the lloyds debt was beginning to cripple them as it was and that will only be 1 of the debts by the CVA you then have to add £10M to ticketsus which at only 2 debts would still stand at £45M these are the only two i know of figures for and thats only going by what the other scottish clubs have gotten away with , but you would assume it will be around that area it begs the question , do Rangers FC really have £50M in assets (rounded it up on asumtion the other debts are small) my opinion they are entirely fucked (i am terrible at maths so ive probably fucked up my figures correct me if wrong)
  5. looks like my last story was r8 popular
  6. im sure it was him that uloaded a picture of his own pish stained jeans could be wrong but
  7. as hilarious as this attempt is , i just fail to see the relevance in something that happened 89 years 10 months 6 days ago to the 2011/12 season in scottish football i however wouldnt argue that not winning a competition (final appearance) more recently is any more relevant and here i am not shite cannon fodder
  8. what a bizzare conclusion to draw from what i said unless you are comparing winning division 1 to winning the scottish cup?
  9. this is true however historical success really has no relevance on the current season, unless you are the current holders of a competition
  10. i used ti tell my maths teacher (mr hazlehurst) that the cupboards in his class lead to narnia, slowly but surely people in other classes heard of this and soon all the classes he had of my year were doing it, and then other years found out , soon there was someone in every year was doing it , he then broke down and just started shouting my surname out banging on the desk 3 day suspension = worth it i have more, ill come back and add them when i can be bothered
  11. when jealous of your friend for going to have a heart shaped watermark on his top , do not try and create a hear shaped water mark on yours
  12. im getting abuse for this, because somehow ive made my twitter update facebook and it wont stop
  13. ive never seen a human that colour before bring back orange burds after that
  14. the very idea of uni "banter" is the worst thing i can immagine its started appearing on my facebook, nothing funny yet and im not holding my breath
  15. either that or he has a wee fan club who awai his every word so they can "get him telt" and regularly fail in the process while they sit waiting for him on a saturday night and hes away out people are FAR too obsessed/hooked
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