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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. its always great when someone tries to be funny and makes an arse of themselves , wanna give it another read?
  2. i maintain to this day marc smyth is never a central midfielder/back the only time he was useful for us was at right back and yet when comming up against us he hasnt been used in that role by a team that i remember
  3. something about a certain rouge pipefitter perhaps
  4. did he not get kicked out IRL a while back after going off the walls when ayr got relegated or was this some kind of clever ruse?
  5. should i just prepare a resignation post now
  6. if someone can get me a job i promise to stop posting on here
  7. 1, I cant hold down a job and its soul destroying 2, I have been homeless 3, I have managed to quit smoking down to only when i drink now, but i havent drank since new year so i might well have quit in general now , we'll find out on the 28th 4, I hate the taste of tea and coffee (apparently this is not normal ?) 5, I really hate where i live and want to move back to Troon ASAP moving away was the biggest mistake of my life!
  8. hopefully you at least pretended you didnt have any cash on you
  9. guy slagging off an application form for "asking stupit questuinz" (think it was for a loan for setting up his own "gaerdining" company) Business Interests: Yes Very Interested equally worryingly there are people commenting on it in a kinda "what idiots having such a question you get them telt" manner people are really really dumb
  10. not a paisley boy tho thank f**k mving back home asap
  11. Barnsley full dickhead football fans. Today at there game against Doncaster Rovers, Barnsley fans were chanting wheres your baby gone to Billy Sharp who tragically lost a child not so long ago. If you want to show respect for him and his family then post this on your wall as a status. Even if you dont support a team. Kick these disgraceful people out of football and punish them by embarrass them all over the uk and hopefully the world. Copy and paste this as your status to show respect for Billy Sharp!
  12. but then he gave a green dot for someone scrambling in an undignified fashion
  13. aww so are you another of the wee crew that stalks me super cute
  14. http://www.eric.org.uk/Bedwetting/home
  15. dunno sometimes some form of banter is acceptable, like when one of these stupid facebook apps gave this outcome to my mum
  16. 705 just had a cull the other day when all i could read was watp or ynwa everywhere know everyone on it one way or another
  17. get this shite moved to the misspelt p&b members ms paint thread
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