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K Mac

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Posts posted by K Mac

  1. Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead. Let me be clear, that’s a reference to the ousting of the chairman. The self appointed dictator for life. I thank him for his control/influence over finances, however, the infighting between 2 boards centred around him it seemed. The posts recently revealed on media stupid, wrong from him. In a football sense, seemed happy at mediocre in league 2. And, we faced being a Berwick, Brechin, east Stirlingshire on that trajectory.  If anyone from the trust reads this, now, ironically, is the Phoenix from the flames moment. Unity is required to get us back to the championship. The best part time team in Scotland. That’s our goal. All Stirling fans move as one, for the sake of the club. Let’s get some proper rules and regulations if we’re bizarrely continuing with 2 boards. Rave on, Stirling Albion!!!

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