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Everything posted by monthefife

  1. The thing is, most people are NOT blind to the Tories abusing their power. I just think that for a tiny group resorting to behaving like absolute wallopers is a MUCH welcome distraction for the Tory's and their media pals to run cheap, lazy, tabloid headlines to deflect away from what people should be focussing on which is the Tories abusing their power. It's just falling right into their trap.
  2. Absolutely. What those idiots don't understand, is that by conducting themselves in the way that they did last night, it only plays right into their hands and they will use that to tarnish the movement as a whole.
  3. I was in attendance at the Perth hustings protest yesterday evening. Overall, it was heartening to see so many people from ALL walks of life in attendance (close to 2,000 I'd estimate which was far more than I was expecting). There were NHS staff, Teachers, voters from ALL non-Tory parties (Labour, Greens, Socialists, Libdems, SNP, Alba), old/young, ethnic minority groups, refugee protestors, RMT protestors, other Union Groups, international press/media etc etc. The vast majority of whom were there (rightly) to protest and vent their anger and disgust towards the self-serving, racist, narcissistic, disingenuous Tories. For the record, the Tory MP's/MSP's/Cllrs/Donors gleefully claiming all over social media that this protest was hijacked by SNP members and "NATS" looking to cause trouble is absolute nonsense. Most of it was fine. Having said that, it is unfortunate that the actions of a tiny few go on to grab the headlines. James Cook being on the receiving end of abuse and vitriol whilst calmly trying to have a discussion was embarrassing. I'm the furthest thing from a BBC supporter, but he really didn't deserve any of that. How can you expect to win over "soft no's" or "undecided's" if you conduct yourself like that? I should point out that it was just a small group of 3 or 4, (who looked to me like Alba types - go figure) but that's still 3 or 4 too many.
  4. Having just finished watching the highlights, all I can say is how on earth did we win that match? Flemming pretty much won us the 3 points. That reaction save from about a yard out was absolutely immense. Our defence is still looking very shaky with Murdoch an absolute shadow of his former self. So easily beaten these days.
  5. What an exciting opportunity that is for him and I wish him all the very best. For us, I'm hoping we negotiated a significant fee and possibly a sell-on fee for him. Fingers crossed we can use the money to bring in some experienced players.
  6. Absolutely correct. When the prices were announced for the first time, I thought it surely must have been a mistake. Shameful prices for League 2 and for a season following relegation. With Bayview (rightfully, in my opinion) already earning its unofficial title as League 2's "worst away day", you'd think even the EF board would have been shrewd enough to encourage home AND away fans to come along. *Note Elgin City gate prices ranged from £7-12 which is fantastic value*. Back to the game, impossible one for anybody to predict as it's too early to judge where all the teams are at. Both teams can be confident in taking the 3 points. Agree with the previous poster that from EF's point of view, we will need to work on defending set-pieces which have been our Achilles Heel for as long as I can remember now. King Kev will no doubt be a threat and will be eager to get on the scoresheet. Would stick with the same starting XI that defeated Elgin last weekend.
  7. A near perfect start to the season. Let's not get carried away though and let's see where we're at after 8 games or thereabouts.
  8. I'd be gobsmacked if he features in half of our fixtures this coming season.
  9. It's been debunked already. Worth remembering that Mike Dailly is a Scottish Labour advocate as well as an Anas Sarwar cheerleader, so make of that what you will. I wonder how much the Glasgow Times (lol) paid him for his piece.
  10. Don't know about you but Tom Tugendhat gives me serious Joker vibes.
  11. Just imagine the absolute SCENES at Holyrood if some backbench Scottish Labour MSP's (Monica Lennon, Alex Lowrey, Mercedes Villalba to name a few) finally grew a spine and defected to join the SNP/Greens. The looks on Sarwar's/Baillie's faces would be too much.
  12. Just putting it out there but I actually don't think Sunak will make the last 2. It will be Truss and Mordaunt.
  13. I have several friends who are still active in the Labour Party. They are just appalled by this move - they are Unionists but think Starmer's stance just makes people focus on independence even more. As they say - why vote Unionist Lite when you can vote Unionist? Have you explained to them that Labour have now officially morphed into what is essentially an English Labour Party?
  14. This. It really is quite something to hear the desperation from the unionist side and the print/TV media scrambling from the "too wee, too poor, too stupid" arguments to the "you dinnae have the legal right, so shut it and get back in your box". As if that's something to brag about?
  15. Only devoted, loyal Alba activists will have thought that was a brilliant stunt. It really wasn't. It was amateur, embarrassing and cringe inducing. It was an obvious last roll-of-the-dice for their 2 (unelected) MP's to promote the Alba Party before a potential upcoming General Election (where they'd both easily get booted out). That's all it was. The only thing worth noting from the whole exchange was the equally ridiculous behaviour of the House of Commons Speaker. He clearly holds different standards for pro-independence MP's.
  16. At this rate, for absolutely no apparent reason, I'd say Penny Mordaunt is a dead certainty to take it. I reckon it will come down to Rishi and her in the "final vote" and Tory (morons) members won't like that Rishi is the 'establishment' candidate and back-stabbing their beloved BoJo won't go down well with them.
  17. So there you have it Scottish Labour die-hards. It's now acceptable for Labour to suspend cllrs if they refuse to do deals with the Tories instead of the SNP.
  18. It's that kind of rhetoric that makes zoomers/yer da's feel fuzzy though.
  19. Don't believe for a minute that a UK Supreme Court will judge favourably for the Scottish Government, unfortunately. It's shameful that we're even having to ask in the first place. So-called union of equals eh? For obvious reasons, I'd prefer to hold a referendum. It's a clear, straightforward Yes or No answer for the electorate. The idea of using a plebiscite/de facto referendum/whatever you want to call it, is open to mass confusion, spin and would play right into the unionists/media's hands. And seeing as it would remove 16-17 year olds and EU nationals votes, it would also be a very high-risk gamble, since their votes won't be counted and that's a fair chunk of potential Yes voters gone. Interesting few weeks coming up.
  20. Multimillionaire, sends-his-kids-to-private-school Sarwar has already demonstrated time after time that he will put his own and the UK/English Labour Party's interests before the people of Scotland. "Scottish" Labour's sole purpose these days is to anchor Scotland down and pontificate about how we're never capable of running our own affairs, and is also a platform for careerists to follow in the footsteps of Jack McConnell, George Foulkes, Ruth Davidson etc. That's it. However do I believe there are a few within the Scottish Labour ranks who know deep down that Anas Sarwar is being entirely unreasonable. The question is whether they will have the guts to stand up and be heard? As for the SNP, post-independence of course they will eventually disband. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
  21. Never believed for minute he was getting a FPN. It was blatantly an orchestrated publicity stunt and in the short term it will pay-off for sure. Would have been hella funny though if he and Rayner had to resign as well. Ironically, it could have been the best thing to happen for Labour as Starmer is just another Red multimillionaire Tory.
  22. I think Sarwar is on the verge of being more of a colossal, boot-licking fud than Douglas Ross is.
  23. Indeed. I don't believe for a minute that there's not a single pro-indy MSP in the "Scottish Labour" ranks. Based on what I've read in the past or only just recently, I'm inclined to believe that Monica Lennon, Mercedes Villalba and Alex Rowley are all very much either pro-indy or at the very least pro-referendum. But I suspect they've ben told to keep their mouths shut or find themselves losing their roles in a similar fashion to those (now former) Scottish Labour councillors.
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