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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. They could say no to a referendum but it would be political suicide - they will try instead to rig the terms of any referendum.
  2. With all due respect Brexit has been a game changer - not just in terms of this referendum - but also the reality that there has been a definite shift in opinion within the rest of the EU towards a potential Scottish application for EU membership. I think it's pretty clear that an application from Scotland with the UK outside the EU is essentially less of a threat to members such as Spain than the situation last time round where an independence vote within the EU would set a precedent for the likes of Catalonia. My own view is that an application would be viewed favourably by EU members, especially after losing (or about to lose) one of the big countries. Given past experience it would not surprise me if there were some sort of fudge in place that would effectively mean the benefits of EU membership (without actual full membership) until an application was finally approved.
  3. It does make it harder when blatantly obvious decisions aren't given though. The game is tough as it is without officials showing bias.
  4. This. England getting away with some awful decisions.
  5. I can guarantee that players like Jospeh won't get anything like that room if they are in NZ - the All Blacks will just pollaxe them.
  6. Hmm - English miles offside at the kick
  7. Jesus Christ - Farrell take forever.
  8. The old English tactic of having the man lying across preventing release of the ball.
  9. Set of dirty b*****ds are getting away with it constantly.
  10. English tighthead boring in from 90 degrees almost there - unfucking real.
  11. We've struggled with the refs every game - the standard of refereeing in this tournament has heavily favoured the bigger teams.
  12. They get away with it every game..
  13. Illegal hands in the ruck but ignored.
  14. All Blacks will just break his fucking leg - he'll not be able to kick.
  15. Far too much kicking from us.
  16. Was not a mass but an Ash Wednesday service. When we do have a mass the Muslim kids go up and get a blessing from the priest. I think the view is that they'd rather have their kids in a Catholic school than one that was non-denominational. As someone who has taught RE on an occasional basis whilst there is a Catholic tint on RE teaching there is a strong ecumenical theme to that teaching. For example, our starting point when discussing death is not the Catholic viewpoint but what the young people believe themselves and thus then links in to different religious viewpoints including atheism and agnosticism. It's not the fear of God approach that is used.
  17. I have never understood the American obsession of smearing politicians with the acts of their grown-up children . Why should his son's infidelity be damaging?
  18. It was Ash Wednesday - in the school I work in their were Muslim kids who actually had ashes on their foreheads - their parents had no issue with it at all.
  19. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
  20. This. That's where the real money will be made - turning the place into an entertainment and leisure venue.
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