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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. The federalism ship sailed a long time ago as well - Labour are naturally centralisers - they don't really believe in having power at the lowest level possible.
  2. Someone at work says we're after the diving little b*****d from Aberdeen - you know who I mean - can't bring myself to use his name.
  3. The obsession with a US trade deal is absurd - we have 2.5 times more exports to the EU than the USA. It could be the best ever UK-US trade deal and it would be irrelevant due to increased tarrifs to the EU. There is also the reality that any US-UK trade deal will heavily weighted towards the US with the UK getting the scraps from Trump's table.
  4. The usual alt-right sites are claiming they were sacked. Honestly these cvnts need challenged. It's not post-truth but lying on a Goebbels-like scale.
  5. Can I suggest we stop rising to the click-bait misogynist?
  6. The Heil have always been nasty cvnts. From the Zinoviev letter to supporting Hitler they really have no shame at all.
  7. They voted to Remain by an even bigger majority in 2016 - shouldn't that result be respected?
  8. I think it's more likely that there will be gridlock when he vetoes Congress and they don't pass his protectionist executive orders.
  9. It should be. There really should be full fiscal autonomy.
  10. This is doublethink of 1984esque proportions.Black is white. #SpicerFacts
  11. Any executive order he signs still has to be ratified by Congress.At some point some Republicans will turn round and say no to his more hair-brained plans. I suspect the real battle will come if he truly does try to move the US down a protectionist route.
  12. I'm going to pee myself laughing at the comments page online tomorrow for the Daily Heil - they are going to go in to meltdown when the government loses the Supreme Court ruling. From what I've read most constitutional lawyers with the exception of the government's lawyers expects them to lose.
  13. La La Land 0/10 Self-indulgent navel-gazing pish with absolutely zero singing or dancing talent between the two leads. How the fekk is this in the running for best movie Oscar?
  14. I was going to suggest that - no platform him as it were.
  15. As someone else pointed out. * One league championship * 3 League Cups - and the first back-to-back wins * 4 Scottish Cup final appearances * 3 other League Cup finals * 1 European Cup semi I'm hurting. Now what have Morton won?
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