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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. It's almost Bart Simpsonesque the whole Fake News agenda. You could have video evidence of Trump and you would still say "He didn't do it!!" Goebbels would be proud of you.
  2. For me that's the real elephant in the room. It's not just his racism, sexism etc that worry me but his huge ego. When someone has an ego that big god knows what they will do.
  3. They are stupid though. Just look at the trumpets here.
  4. Er .. no . . it's racists like you who are obsessed with race.
  5. Granny's right here. The Scottish Government does have some power to mitigate some of the worst effects of austerity but has chosen not to.
  6. You mean the less than a quarter of the American people. Tbh it wouldn't matter if they had endorsed Trump they would still be out of touch.
  7. What party line? I'm not a member of the SNP.
  8. Agree with this. The budget cuts that councils are having to implement across the country are frightening. I think there is a distinct possibility that there will be compulsory redundancies here in Dundee.
  9. He actually should have with me but was too fucking chicken. I paid out to his chosen charity.
  10. This. They are appropriate for certain issues but not for issues where wallets and who shouts the loudest wins the vote.
  11. I think it's an absolute certainty given how they've fudged other membership applications in the past (Turkey being the notable exception).
  12. If there were any doubt that there are incompetents running the UK one only has to look at Boris Johnson's latest gaffe.
  13. Labour's position is exceedingly weak though - I have heard that for IndyRef2 there may be a split in their ranks.
  14. Also noted this: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/yes-campaigners-make-proposals-scottish-9625719.amp&ved=0ahUKEwiLko-x2MzRAhWhD8AKHRBIDLkQFggiMAM&usg=AFQjCNH9dvOIhutwd0xTFHRPFRXDnZrkjA
  15. There will be. I think it's clear now that having an independent Scottish central bank with an iCurrency is the only real option - the sterlingisation route was a complete dog's breakfast and was, quite rightly, ripped to shreds during IndyRef1.
  16. The No vote imho is a lot softer than the Yes vote - we saw that in the last referendum where No's massive lead was whittled down over just 6 months.
  17. Or get new ones. I need one. Hard Brexit makes IndyRef2 in 2018 almost a certainty. And I'll be voting Yes.
  18. Descent you mean? Illiterate and a supporter of racists? Shockerooni.
  19. Some of the most racist parts of England have little immigration in to them. Ironically, one region that does have a high number of immigrants was also one of the most pro-Remain - London.
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