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Pull My Strings

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Posts posted by Pull My Strings

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

    It was great to get the win. We really weren't good, but we ground it out, with the help of two dodgy keepers. We know what that feels like. Whatever other talents this team has, it certainly has fight. Night and day from last season.

    We really miss Ross Docherty though. I'm not a fan of Tillson at all, I really don't see what he brings. We were much better when he was hooked and we went 433, Mochrie and Glass vastly improved things. McMann was very good again, and Middleton slogged away but in truth it really wasn't his night.

    By the way, those incels in the North West are angry bunch, aren't they? Grown men absolutely seething at someone shushing them. Relax, guys. You'll live longer.

    I think Tilson's fine as cover in midfield when both Sibbald and Docherty are out. He'll cover the ground and make tackles but he's not going to build play and he looks to be a level below the rest of the team in terms of building play. I think our best football this season has come when Glass has played deeper and been able to play to pick the ball up deep and play passes. We had the same issue last week against ICT when we weren't able to take control of the midfield until Tilson was removed and replaced with a better ball player.

  2. 6 minutes ago, CallumPar said:

    Not going to focus on the ref, but I have no idea what he booked McCann for, just looked like two players challenging for a high ball?

    He caught Gallacher a beauty with a swinging elbow. Possibly not intentional but certainly dangerous. I'm not going to argue either way but when you see the replay it's not a surprising decision. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    I'll go against the grain here and say Freeman was no worse, and certainly more confident in getting forward, than I've seen from Grimshaw. Some of his crossing was very poor though. And Tillson wasn't terrible either, not as bad as some make out, but not as reliable and confident as Docherty.


    Odd take on Freeman.. I've a lot of time for Freeman but his confidence is clearly shot. He wasn't a weak link defensively today, as he has been quite a lot in the last 18 months, but you'd need to squint pretty hard not to notice how many times he took the safe option, when a more confident player would have gone forward with the ball. Contrast Freeman's performance with that of Scott McMann. To me, Freeman is probably the more technically gifted player but their contributions are miles apart this season. McMann is a guy at the top of his game; Freeman is nowhere near the player he could be, or might have been.

  4. I was impressed with ICT. They were organised and moved the ball well. We had a couple of players a little bit off it but we've played worse and won comfortably this season. Freeman looks like he has PTSD from last season, not sure if he'll ever recover; Tilson is fine as a stop-gap destroyer but I think we could have been more ambitious and put Glass in there from the start (also my feeling before the match); Watt and Moult seemed to be playing a front two, rather than Watt behind Moult which led to Moult dropping deep when really it should have been Watt. No real complaints though. Sometimes you're not at your best and the opposition play well. ICT certainly the best team to come to Tannadice this season and I would expect them to be pushing hard for 3rd/4th come the end of the season.


  5. 1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

    Was it not something like £1m for him and Pressley in a joint deal?

    Yeah, apportioned as £750k for Pressley and £250k for Robertson. Marginally less appalling to think that we paid £1m for Pressley and got Ribertson thrown in for free but that would mean we paid £1m for Pressley and then let the c**t walk for free three years later. He was a good player, tbf, just an awful human.

  6. Is he out of  contract next summer? They paid a fee to sign him in January this year when they already had an established first choice keeper. He must surely have been considered one for the future but then why give him only an 18 month contract, and then loan him out for 12 months of that? I ken the English clubs can be profligate but that's a very odd way to do business.

  7. 15 minutes ago, skinny arab said:

    Glass in for Moult, obviously concerned with plastic pitch given his injury history 

    Yeah, fair enough. Moult has been absolutely brilliant and his fitness has held up better than probably any of us could have hoped for .. BUT he's played more games this season than in the previous 4 (5?) years combined so it's only prudent to give him a wee rest every now and then. On the bench, so if we need him (as at Starks Park) he can come on but otherwise he gets a chance to rest and recover. Glass has been excellent and is unlucky to have lost his place after his own wee injury. Watt's probably in better form now than he's ever been for us so is an able deputy right up front. 

    Airdrie are obviously a decent team, albeit a bit one dimensional. Might be a long night if we don't get an early goal but we don't need to be chasing these sorts of games away from home. Be patient, hold your shape and they'll eventually give the ball back. I'd fancy us to be better at breaking them down than they are breaking us down. No need to win the possession stats again, just the goal stats.


  8. 44 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

    On first viewing I didn't think the challenge on Cudjoe before his goal looked that bad, but from this angle it's a shocker. Was the Arbroath player booked for this?

    Fair play to Cudjoe, if he had stayed down and rolled around a bit instead of getting up to play on, the boy could've been in trouble.


    Nah, not booked. Only thing which stops it being a clear red is the fact that Cudjoe gets back up and scores. Even then, it's incredibly dangerous so might still have been a red. Thought the challenge on Middleton around 30 minutes could also have been a red - very deliberate foul from behind when Middleton was about to either shoot or roll in Watt. Not the last man but we were 2 on 1 on the edge of the box.


  9. 18 minutes ago, Tap in 94 said:

    1 very slight criticism of Goodwin last night is that I'd rather have seen what Denham and Moore could do instead of the usual subs of Graham and Tilson 

    Not for me. That's just playing guys for the sake of it. Denham is behind Graham for a reason and isn't our player. He'll surely be gone in January. Graham is first back up to Gallacher and Holt and needs to play to ensure he's ready to step in when required. Likewise Tilson, who we'll need when Docherty and Sibbald aren't available.  We're absolutely steamrollering teams just now because the team are totally focused on winning games and keeping clean sheets. There are already lots of young guys getting regular game time. If Moore deserves a place then he'll get it in due course.

  10. Well that was fun. Think that's the best we've played this season. We've had a lot of big, comfortable wins but even in those games there have been periods when the opposition have steadied the ship, or looked dangerous, or at least held the ball for a period. This was just utterly dominant for the whole game and looking to score every time we had the ball, which was a lot.

    Good performances from everyone  but I was particularly pleased with Watt and Middleton.  I think its fair to say that both were pretty underwhelming for the first couple of months of the season and were probably quite fortunate to keep their places every week. It's no great insight to say that Goodwin was trying to play them into form but I wasn't at all convinced that it would work. It has though. Both have been excellent since the Queens Park game and Middleton in particular looks like a man reborn. Absolutely unplayable today.

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