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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. His analogy - that if Some randomer wants a table at fully booked restaurant, they'll be knocked back, but Rod Stewart will be given one, doesnt tell the whole story. I'd compare Rangers to Gary Glitter rather than Rod Stewart - you'd sure as f**k knock back him since he's broken the law in a severe way.....
  2. My Facebook is filled with Rangers fans predicting the impending doom of Scottish football without their disgrace of a football club in the SPL. It's like a mass whinge dressed up as wise financial advice. As has been mentioned before, entering at Div3 is not a punishment, it's just what happens to new clubs in the Scottish League system.
  3. Just watching Lifers on channel 4, a guy decked out in Rangers top with a Rangers duvet is featured. Killed someone in a football related rage apparently and will never be released from prison. The fact he's got no future probably allows him to relate to his club.
  4. I still think they'll get away with it. My theory is that public pronouncements will matter for nothing, the ballot will be made secret and Rangers will end up getting in.
  5. I would be extremely hesitant about making predictions like this - the idea that Scottish football will be a wonderful heaven like place is highly dubious. The only reason why Rangers should be sent to Division 3 is because Gretna were demoted - punishments must be consistent. Integrity of the league and all that. Clubs will cut their cloth accordingly, there's no need to worry.
  6. Now that Rangers are dead, I think it is just about time to start going over some of the more memorable lies peddled by Rangers employees. Personal favourite is the one below detailing Walter 'EBT' Smith's fears that Scottish football will die unless the Old Firm reach the promised land of the Atlantic League. Rangers will live on in some form of course, but the best thing to come out of this would be if the media stopped using Old Firm employees as makeshift journalists. In almost every case they haven't got a clue what they are talking about - mainly because they are of no importance in the grand scheme of things. My link
  7. Indeed. Rangers should be treated no more harshly or leniently than other clubs. They aren't a special case. Yes, they dodged taxes, but as far as I'm concerned that sort of issue has nothing to do with football on its own. Going into admin and subsequently liquidation does though (since it is a form of financial doping - helping Rangers at the expense of other clubs) But they are hardly the first football club to do either of these things. The SFA got their fingers burnt with the transfer ban, which was illegal - since it was not specified as a possible punishment. Circumstances have perhaps now overshadowed that situation but the danger remains clear. Blindly pandering to the baying mobs of the majority of non-rangers fans should not be the default position.
  8. Fair enough, I can see where you are coming from - in some ways, the way you put it does sound reasonably positive. It's certainly all possible but depends on a number of factors going their way - not least the assumption that the sfl are effectively willing to forfeit a promotion place in order to have rangers there. It is vital Rangers are treated as per the letter of the law, as set out in the SFA and SPL rule book. If the punishments are not felt severe enough then tough, tighten the laws for future situations. Otherwise, messy legal challenges are there which can threaten the whole of scottish football. Making up ad hoc punishments is not the way to go imo. We, as diddy fans, cannot scream for maintaining the integrity of the SPL and Scottish football then in same breath demand entirely made up punishments. Unless no provision is made for newcos - in which case all bets are off and just f**k rangers royally.
  9. Let's take those things in order stadium - No-one has a clue what will happen to Ibrox as HMRC chase their money fans - I wouldn't take fans' word for it that theyll support 'the gers' no matter what - after all every single boycott threatened by them has had no discernible impact money - it goes without saying that the amount of money available to any newco rangers is entirely up in the air. potential - I'll grant you, it has potential, but really, the fan base needs to be there and a few seasons of doing nothing of any note football wise will cripple their support.
  10. I don't agree with the guy but, by keeping Rangers in the SPL, it saves SPL chairmen an awful lot of headaches - talks of boycotts are there of course, but lets be honest, they won't amount to much. I would just like Rangers to be treated by the rules - no-one can complain then without looking a complete fucknugget. I don't want a special case to be made out of them (doing that will just come and bite the other teams on the arse) - keeping a newco in the spl would be making a special case imo. We're delving to the levels of Rangers Media type paranoia with this sort of stuff. To be honest, from what I've seen most Rangers fans don't want the club to stay in the SPL anyway.
  11. Would someone be able to tell me what Vanguard Bears' investigation into the blogger behind the Rangers Tax Case blog has actually found out that is of any importance whatsoever? My favourite bit was them stating that he worked for Aamer Anwar - friend of Paul McBride vis a vis, he must be a Celtic supporter................ lol wut? Even greater than that is the naive Rangers fans on Rangers Media lapping it up. God, you could tell them anything and they'd believe it, unless it was something that they perceive as harming their beloved club.
  12. I personally think the programme was rather tame in the supposedly explosive allegations it had in it. And it was highly manipulative in presenting its case - with the empty chairs and fake phone call. There were umpteen figures who refused to be on the programme, some far more salient that d&p with regards to ranagers' problems. Print journalism is the best outlet for this kind of investigative journalism but the Scottish press seem incapable/ unwilling to do the most basic analysis of Rangers in this respect - cough* billionaire Craig Whyte. Our only hope is to get more folk from down south like Alex Thomson to take an interest in the case
  13. Have to say, the programme was really cringey - repeated shots of empty chairs with microphones on them, the equating of those involved with the club as football players at the start of the programme, As for the alegations, lots of it was old news, like Banstead which was in the daily record months ago. If it winds up the berrs though, its worth it
  14. Well, if we are going to go down the route of 'diddy' clubs living off the money of Rangers fans, then what would you say to 'diddy' fans' wages being used to subsidise Rangers' tax-dodging? That's as big a case living off someone else as I've seen. And the money brought in by Rangers fans coming to games is not significant enough to be a deal-breaker. The other 11 clubs need to see Rangers as a cash cow - if it benefits them to have them in the spl then keep them, if not then hello the berrs v East Stirlingshire
  15. Think we might well have a top contender for 'Best Post of the Thread' (apart from bearwithme's hilarious defences of his club) Far more insightful than anything in the mainstream media.
  16. Love her comment that 'The trial of Ratko Mladic matters'. Right enough, if Rangers weren't in administration I'm almost certain her paper would be offering in depth coverage of the court proceedings.
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