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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. Viewing figures are an irrelevance to Sky, well for their sports coverage anyway. The money for Sky is in subscribers, not advertising (course they do advertise but, as only a relatively small number of people watch, the sum gained from that tends not to be high)
  2. We've already dealt with him in this thread, he's cdp1072 or something.... I hope he comes back.
  3. I come back from work and the thread has thrown up some more Rangers Media refugees to play with. This thread just passed P&B Gold and is heading towards P&B Platinum.
  4. He's not the right man though. Capello has a track record at club level of getting world class players to play out their skins. Imagine what he could do for Kyle Lafferty. The warchest has to be spent somehow
  5. I would love to see his pleased wee face just after he said this, thinking he's come up with a master plan. I think he's missed a trick though, Capello's out a job so wouldn't even have to pay compensation. Rangers would be quids in!
  6. Leggo's overuse of the word 'Exclusive' is probably the thing I have found most infuriating over the last few months.
  7. Must be someone on the wind up. In all likelihood one of the posters on here.....
  8. As Paul Murray said on Friday, something had to be done this weekend or the club were completely screwed. Seems like this is the last throw of the dice.
  9. What happens if the creditors reject the offer? Maybe that's why the administrators cant state definitely that he has taken over? I'd assume HMRC are cool with the quantum because H&D have apparently been in contact with them from an early stage but I wouldnt have thought the figures quoted would have kept them happy, especially compared to liquidation.
  10. I suspect they just understand how to dress properly for their shape. Black creates an optical illusion. The blonde on the right though does look lovely.
  11. Nice to see the recipient of Alistair Darling's eyebrows is doing well following the transplant.
  12. I'd probably give me left bollock right right now to get onto Rangers Media. In the meantime, I missed their claim the Drysdale was not a 'fit and proper' person to decide on Rangers fate cos of the tiny debts raith hold. the idea of some idiot writing for that site getting a hard on cos he reckons he's discovered a massive exclusive whilst it is a pile of baloney makes me lol. Rangers fans - the most deluded folk on the planet.
  13. Its the classic problem of tv programmes asking sports journalists about stuff they have no clue about - in this case business matters. at least the bbc bring in business editors to offer an insight. Speirs et al have no more knowledge of business implications than you or I. I'd say this about both sides of the argument.
  14. Love to hear that conversation. Rw89: See your alright looking pal in this photo Girl: Yeah Rw89: Is there any chance you can give me her number so I can then give it to someone i met on the internet You are almost certainly in there.
  15. A BBC journalist was quoted as saying that in the article - I believe he's not a Scottish based one. Interesting to see how others see Rangers eh?
  16. Well, people saying they'll give up season tickets if the SPL lets a rangers newco back in, that's what I mean.
  17. This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.
  18. Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. Neither of them are too horrible. There's better out there for sure though.
  19. Didnt realise the boycott had sponsors? Oh hold on, you are supposed to boycott them..... Yet another poster fail.
  20. Well, he's right, he shouldn't have to. But then again, this is a group of fans who sent a letter bomb to an MSP who was pictured wearing a Celtic top. He just needed to use his common sense. He failed, and now he's got himself in a complete mess and won't do the decent thing and back down. His welcoming of Drysdale 'outing' himself was completely bizarre.
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