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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. He was cruiserweight champ for a bit back in the day, or at least was challenging for that title. He had fueds with Tajiri and Billy Kidman that come to mind, I can remember being fairly entertained by him on Smackdown.

    Also had an annoying burd called Nidia and their gimmick was that they were redneck, trailer trash types.

  2. I didn't like the fact that Rusev wrestled on the same night Cena issued an open challenge for the belt he just lost and he didn't address it at all. Also, no Lana.

    I didn't like the main event and it was pretty obvious Reigns was going to get that kind of reaction to this crowd. Vince needs to protect his new poster boy as he's getting absolutely slaughtered from the fans just now. Lesnar coming out and going mental again would have saved it.

  3. He meant "here comes Rusev", meaning that he was assuming he was coming out.

    Can't believe so many are having difficulty with that.

    Yeah, not hard to grasp as it was definitely deliberate. Still, it was shit and Saxton is shit to the point of making this unwatchable. He's dying on his arse.

  4. Like many I had my apprehensions about this when it was first announced but I'm loving it so far.

    Episode 4 was brilliant, especially loved the opening scene and the casual origin of Saul Goodman. Pain in the arse waiting a week for episodes but I watched the last episodes of BB this way and I think I enjoyed it more in the end because of this anticipation.

  5. It's certainly better than WWE just now. If HHH had full control of Raw I'm betting that the product would be of a much higher quality. Whilst his inflated ego does harm his reputation most of the time, there's no denying he has one of the best minds in the wrestling business. NXT is the evidence for that.

  6. Yeah, Lesnar made his reputation in WWE and enhanced it in UFC, but he was definitely a big deal before crossing over. Punk has made his name in wrestling (not just wwe) but I doubt hell have the same impact or enhancement to his career that Lesnar enjoyed.

  7. I think Foleys words, whilst sincere in thought, could be viewed as pretty patronising. Cabana originated the podcast phenomenon in wrestling, plus hes good friends with punk. It was plain to see for everyone that he would "land the big one", and it's no surprise to anyone that he did.

  8. I think he knows he'll get battered but its always something he's wanted to do and given the position he's in now, he's able to do it. Fair play, it must actually take some baws to go into that environment knowing that it's pretty likely youre going to get the shit kicked out of you.

  9. Yep. WWE is awful just now and because Vince is still the top guy it falls entirely on him. You can't tell me with the roster they have that the product wouldn't improve if the likes of (for example) Paul Heyman was given full control.

    Granted there are worse guys who could be in charge (another Vince springs to mind) but from a storyline aspect at least there are many more "great wrestling minds" who I think could run the product in a better way.

  10. Do you think there may be plans in place to turn Orton face? With the way Raw ended and with things not looking good for D.Bryan, plus Roman Reigns sidelined for a spell, they may be looking for someone other than Cena to work with Lesner. A win for Orton on Sunday would set that up nicely. I suppose they could consider giving Ambrose a push against Lesner but I reckon his feud with Seth Rollin's will run for a while yet. Another Cena Vs Lesner match doesn't appeal to me. *yawn*

    I reckon that's exactly what's going to happen. They'll have Orton turn then have him face Lesnar, and they'll tease a cash in from Rollins or something but Lesnar will win again. Haven't watched in a while but by all accounts Orton has been a dull as f**k heel so a face turn might not be that bad.

    I think Lesnars next 2 opponents will be Orton and Batista. Both were involved in the title picture in recent memory so it makes sense.

  11. Fantasy booking:

    Have the Lesnar vs Reigns match early, say at the Rumble. Have Reigns win but only due to interference from a returning Rock, setting up Rock vs Brock at mania.

    Post match Lesnar beats down on the Rock and Reigns. At which point Rollins enters and cashes in his MITB briefcase. Dean Ambrose then wins the Rumble, setting up a 3 way Shield match for the title at Mania.

    Would never happen but would be a decent swerve.

  12. He's still technically got a rematch so it would make sense for him to have a go at the title once before mania, then fall down into midcard/tag team territory if he wants to continue. I think there'd be a lot less animosity towards him if he returned this time, he was gaining a bit more fan favouritism before he left, if only for the comedy value. He's a bit crap but I still think he could do a job if used properly.

  13. The problem was WWE had the money and poached all the best talent when they started making it big, ie Mean Mark / Undertaker, Austin, etc

    The problem with that was that WWE (and ECW on a smaller scale) actually knew what to do with their young talent and realised they had to replace the likes of Hogan, Savage, Warrior etc with a different era of superstars. WCW managed to make great alternative, "edgy" TV by using ex WWF/NWA wrestlers and portaying them in a new light.

    The problem was that they neglected their other young talents such as Austin, Taker, Pillman, Jericho, Benoit etc in order to keep the more recognised names on top. The other guys got sick of not getting enough opportunities and eventually jumped ship. WCW had plenty of money and a mixture of well established names with up and coming wrestlers with huge potential. They should have had sustained success but were pretty badly managed, then Russo came in and made it shockingly bad.

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