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Status Updates posted by wunfellaff

  1. So what now? Do we meet up to bum somewhere? I don't know the protocol in these matters PF......


  2. She lit a cigarette both hands behind her back.........

    1. bAzTNM


      Belouis Some - "Imagination"

    2. wunfellaff


      :} we have a winner....

  3. The Mafia? I've shit 'em.

  4. i rode a tank.......held a generals rank.

  5. Well nige, goin oot the door to head to hampden:}. Got some shit to take at 7.00pm ''with a pint of liquid'' for the scan tommorow. Dont think that be a prob lol. Might be fecked if i get searched tho.All goes well then under knife thur. See ye when(if) over. Up the cabbage!

  6. like the avatars nige?

    Perfect for the hampden if i go.

    Btw how did you know it was me? too much of a clue in name perhaps lol.

  7. Wot a knobber.

    Follows hibs, puts things in drinking water and is peesh at cards!

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