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Everything posted by Kennie

  1. Do you really expect an answer to that?
  2. An email was sent to all ex-junior member clubs inviting them to participate in the Cup. Not just Clydebank.
  3. Under the circumstances, Forres will not be sanctioned for withdrawing.
  4. All fixtures are to be released at the same time.
  5. Give the man a prize for using 'Joonyur'. Very original. Junior Cup draw has no bearing on the WoSFL Fixture release. The Lowland League fixtures do. They're not out yet. So fixtures for Celtic B are still unknown.
  6. Kennie 3 Bunnets if you don't mind. I'm also involved with the South Region Challenge Cup.
  7. The dates were chosen, specifically to avoid clashes with other cups. We have offered to discuss all the dates with the other Organisations and will continue to try to find solutions beneficial to all concerned.
  8. The First Round of the Junior Cup is played on the same day as the preliminary round of the Scottish Cup where SFA Licensed Clubs enter the Scottish Cup. Thus giving the SFA Licensed clubs a bye in the First Round of the Junior Cup. It would also be a bit much asking clubs to field a full squad of signed players in July when most of the clubs are still trying to sign up players and agree terms etc.
  9. Rossvale are already members and have been for a few years now. Pollok have applied to participate in the Junior Cup as guests.
  10. Sorry, but I've been shown this and feel I need to respond. It was not our concern where these kids came from or who chose them. That would be a decision for the clubs to make. It was also not our concern about what kit they would be wearing. Another decision for the clubs. I have to point out though, that I was indeed in conversation with Lillian and it was a pleasure working with her as it always is when I've met her at Darvel. Always helpful and understanding.
  11. There's a link on the WoSFL website that'll take you to the rules. I don't know of any moves towards regionalisation. If a space becomes available there will be a procedure to follow for new applications. The sizes of the Divisions was agreed to be manageable and balanced. Bringing in new clubs would upset that balance and as would most likely to happen the slack would be taken up by the lowest league but that would only allow 2 or a max of 4 clubs before the fixtures would exceed the time available to play them. From my point of view the only way to increase the members would be to start another Division, but that would need at least 10 clubs to make it practical.
  12. That's them. Accepted by the SoSFL Board and rejected by the clubs.
  13. What new teams are we talking about anyway? Would these new teams have a better set-up than any that have already been accepted? Please make up your mind.
  14. And you always fail to answer a straightforward question.
  15. As Glensmad said there was no poaching by the WoSFL. The SoSFL were asked if they wanted a boundary, but they said no. Probably thinking they might pick up a couple of teams that thought going South would be a shortcut to the Lowland. Remember Wellington FC anyone?
  16. Nope, I can't work it out. That's why I asked. Is the full 5 Division set up to be rearranged to fit in 2 or 3 new clubs?
  17. With 5 Divisions of 16 teams where would we put any new teams?
  18. I don't think a postponement will be in Darvel's best interests either. Both teams are already packed out with fixtures till the end of the season.
  19. So, no midweek games for Talbot, is it? I think you might need to check the fixture list again.
  20. No the exit money is new. What was provided before was a gate guarantee. The SJFA would top up the gate income to £5,000 if the share of the gate was less than £5,000. If the gate split was £4,950 the SJFA added £50. If the split was £2,500 the SJFA added £2,500.
  21. Darvel made that decision, it's their ground and they can decide how fans can access the game.
  22. How about this then. I can't justify postponing a game that is already scheduled on a Saturday and bring it forward to be played midweek on the basis that something 'MIGHT' happen. What happens if they don't get to the final? They'd then be idle on the Saturday. I can imagine the stick I'd get for that.
  23. Because the league ends on 11th May. Maybe ask Darvel why they asked to bring last weeks game forward from when it was scheduled. I bet you will also find dates when Talbot are playing and Darvel aren't.
  24. Just for a bit of context, the last time Talbot were in the Semi Final of the SJC was in 2022. They played Rob Roy. The gate profit from that game was £4416. There was a 3 way split with each getting £1472. The SJFA then paid each club £3,528 to bring it up to the agreed £5000. That was a single leg tie back then. If we had 2 legs with a similar gate profit of £4416 in both games. (it would be more as there would be less expenditure to go to the host club) so let's add a further £1000 making a profit of £5416. Ach, lets round it up to £6,000 gate profit in each leg. Talbot would have got £2,400, The SJFA £3,600. in game 1 Rob Roy would have got £2400, The SJFA £3,600 in game 2. Whoever got beat would then pick up another £5000 from the SJFA making their exit fee £7,400. Whoever won would then be on a minimum of £2,400 + £10,000 (£12,400) or a maximum of £2,400 + £20,000 (£22,400) Being a 2 leg semi, all other income steams go to the Home club in each leg such as programmes, raffles, food and drink sales etc. I think my sums are right. Maths wasn't my strongest subject at school.
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