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Waldo Ponce

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Posts posted by Waldo Ponce

  1. I take from all the memes Walt Jr is constantly talking about breakfast? I've completely missed this.

    To go back to a discussion from a few pages back I am definitely team Walt here at the expense of any and everyone else. I reckon Gomes will die at the start of this next one with Hank and Jesse becoming hostages with one or both killed by the end.

    Judging by other comments on this thread I must be the only one irritated by Jesse? apart from the odd couple of episodes here and there in each season he seems to be forever bitching and moaning, walking around like a zombie or off his face. I get that he is the so called Moral compass of the show but the guy has had numerous opportunities to walk away from it all with money in his hands and never takes them, I personally hope Mr White takes him out in the next episode after telling him what really happened to his old girlfriend.However Jesse seems to Walt's weak point business wise and its caused him no end of trouble I wouldn't be shocked to see that continue.

    I think it's great that with three to go there is no obvious way this is going to play out, that's a real strength of the show.

    Pretty close!

    Delighted with that episode. I'm glad with the way it all panned out apart from Jessie still being around. hmm i wonder if he will find a way out of his current predicament :rolleyes:

    As a member of Team Walt I'm looking forward to seeing him as a lone wolf free of the shackles of his family and work hell bent of settling some scores. I think a few more people will be hoping for his downfall after giving up Jesse and the way he was with his family.

    I reckon Jesse's ex and her kid won't make it to the end of the next on the series.

  2. I take from all the memes Walt Jr is constantly talking about breakfast? I've completely missed this.

    To go back to a discussion from a few pages back I am definitely team Walt here at the expense of any and everyone else. I reckon Gomes will die at the start of this next one with Hank and Jesse becoming hostages with one or both killed by the end.

    Judging by other comments on this thread I must be the only one irritated by Jesse? apart from the odd couple of episodes here and there in each season he seems to be forever bitching and moaning, walking around like a zombie or off his face. I get that he is the so called Moral compass of the show but the guy has had numerous opportunities to walk away from it all with money in his hands and never takes them, I personally hope Mr White takes him out in the next episode after telling him what really happened to his old girlfriend.However Jesse seems to Walt's weak point business wise and its caused him no end of trouble I wouldn't be shocked to see that continue.

    I think it's great that with three to go there is no obvious way this is going to play out, that's a real strength of the show.

  3. When we left Love Street and moved to the new ground they got some utter w**k on a set of bagpipes and the full tartan regalia that Sir Walter Scott had invented as national dress and we took a tray that the groundsman had obviously prepared earlier which had a sod of turf in it with a white dot representing the centre spot.

    Then a crowd of us followed the w****r of a piper and his shitty bagpipe screeching down the street to the new ground where the chairman or a lucky dip programme winner then proceeded to put the old centre spot onto the new centre spot.

    It was fucking shit. I only went on it because the bloke I go to games with had to be in Paisley early to see some auntie of his that had fallen and broken her hip or something. So I went to the march thing and met him at the game.

    The auntie died a few weeks later, probably from a morphine overdose, which is how most old folk snuff it in hospital.

    Bed blocking old b*****ds.

    :lol: Fucking hell that is the best thing I've read on this site in ten years.

  4. Make yerself sick when you get there. Throw up over the turkey. If they are old they will probably think they've shat themselves. Again.

    get pished and call the old dear a thundercunt over dinner.. haha

    Thanks guys but I decided to be a bit more mature about things. I claimed I was ill and i'm now sitting in my dressing gown munching my way through a number of selection boxes.

    Best. Christmas. Ever.

  5. My PTTGOYN is..... My gran died on Saturday. I've coped with it, no problem at all.

    The reason it has been easy is because the past two years she didn't have a clue what was going on and to be honest I'm glad it's over because she was obviously in pain. Yet I still cant feel sorrow I can't shed a tear. I'm a pallbearer at the funeral and I'm dreading hours of trying to seem upset sad.gif

  6. Ed Reardon's week is one of the best things I've heard on any radio station let alone Radio 4, Vent was also very good.

    Desert Island Disks and What the papers say are classics and does anyone else's heart sink a little when the run of 'The News Quiz' comes to an end and 'The Now Show' replaces it?

  7. Why has Joe Allen bashing become fashionable?

    I'm just having a go at him for last nights performance he was shocking for the first Udinese goal and all he seemed to do was get in Gerrard's way once he came on making him chases his own pass at one stage which led to another Udinese break.

  8. It's been a cracking game, some hilarious refereeing, a rugby tacke, and a Downing assist all in there.

    Liverpool are really poor at the back though and they only have themselves to blame for all three goals, but at least their games are watchable these days. Oh and Joe Allen has been murder.

  9. 1

    As I posted on the other thread:

    William Hill

    Liverpool v Man Utd

    Newcastle v Norwich

    Man City v Arsenal - Draw

    Tottenham v QPR

    Leicester v Hull

    Aberdeen v Motherwell - Draw

    Rangers v Montrose

    £1 returns about £300.


    My coupon from the same day



  10. He's thinking of phoning Div laugh.gif

    Can just imagine Div's wife answering the phone ...

    DW; Hello?

    Magee; Hi can I speak to Div please?

    DW; Div? .. . oh right .. *shouts* ''Oh Div it's for you''

    Div; Hello?

    Magee; Yeah is that Div?

    Div; Yes

    Magee; Hi it's Magee from P&B when did you last have your boiler checked?

  11. It's going to be interesting to see what the clubs do now that the media are actually reporting this chanting.

    I didn't see or hear anything today other than the 'where's your famous Munich songs' from a sizeable proportion of the away end about 10 minutes in. But these 2 imbeciles who have supposedly ran on the park is incredible. I'm not convinced one bit unfortunately that the same sizeable proportion won't be chanting about Munich as usual when we go there in January.

    Did you boo Evra yesterday?

  12. Now this is top trolling.

    Hey Guys,I am writing to tell you that, no, I am not a 'Football Agent' or 'ITK.' I am infact an 18 year old and I have been fooling all of you gullible idiots with my fake stories for the past 2 months. I started out when I was bored one evening and I never once thought that I could get 43k followers. I feel my twitter experience has been very successful with some of my 'Stories' even trending 5th in the world. I'm proud to say that I haven't had even one transfer scoop in my time yet people still say im more reliable than Sky Sports News and the BBC. Laughable.Some of my personal highlights were the Kaka and Falcao stories which were completely made up. The Daily Mail even wrote an article based on my Kaka tweets and the 2 journalists who wrote it were following me. The Falcao story was possibly my favourite. Last night it was trending worldwide for over an hour and for over 3 hours in Spain and in the UK. Another fascinating thing about my time on twitter was how some top respected journalists believed my rubbish and even used me as a news source. Whilst I am here I can also point out there is no such thing as an ITK or Agent on twitter, anyone with an IQ in double figures would realise this. @Agent_NCP , @EPL_Source and @Agent_ITK are all just poor versions of myself who would be nothing without begging me for shoutouts. @Backpage is another clown who stole my fake stories everyday and passed them off as their own.Im not sorry for wasting everybody's time, you should have realised I was a fake when I got all of my stories wrong and deleted countless tweets. I still cant believe that, I, personally have been trending in Manchester, Leeds, Ireland, Nigeria and South Africa. Perhaps I do feel a bit sorry for the guy who got 'Falcao 20' printed on his Chelsea top.I have really enjoyed my time on twitter, especially winding up Everton and Tottenham fans on a daily basis. You idiots must have realised I was a fake when I linked your team with every player possible in the hope that one move would happen.My time has now come to and end and I hope to enjoy the last few days of the transfer window without making up rumours myself. Thank you to whoever followed me and retweeted my garbage, it was really appreciated. Goodbye EveryoneRegards,

    @FootballAgent49 (The Boss)

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