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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. Is that who it is? That explains a lot, the man is a lunatic.
  2. Odds on Scotland are getting supplied as quickly as other parts of the UK, they are just as expected, making an arse of it and blaming everyone else.
  3. Procurement procedure generally is secretive. It is still prudent to keep certain things under one’s hat. I think the SG have been very churlish with this one.
  4. You don’t care, so you decided to reply. Weirdo!
  5. Again, that’s hilarious. People accuse Nats of being joyless, it’s so unfounded. I mean, we’ve got you, we’ve got the side splitting Janey Godley. Cracking stuff! Top drawer humour, fair play.
  6. Taking lunacy to levels previously never seen.
  7. I know, but we got taken out against our will!! Nasty English fascists, cuddly EU!! Horrible gammons, minters etc, drone drone!
  8. I was wrong, you’re not joyless, you are really funny! That’s hilarious
  9. Credit where it’s due. I see the competent SG managed to vaccinate another 6 people today.
  10. If that happened, they would still manage to somehow blame theEnglish.
  11. I see it’s now Britain’s fault that the EU shat the bed, when it came to ordering vaccines.
  12. It can be a bit “colourful” in the Public Bar, but for the most part it’s fine. You generally get left alone. It’s certainly not for the faint hearted at times.
  13. Impressive. Scotland have managed to vaccinate 214, but apparently it’s not the SG’s fault.
  14. That’s the cuddly EU showing their true colours. The fanboys will be along in a minute to somehow blame the nasty Tories for it.
  15. And another couple of things that are “for sure”, Scotland will continue making an arse of the vaccination rollout, and the P and B, Nat fan boys, will blame everyone else and persevere with the rancid gammon/minter banter. Beyond predictable.
  16. Scotland making a pig’s ear of the vaccination programme, so bang on cue, P&B reverts to its default shit gammon banter.
  17. That’s encouraging, I’ve not checked for a while but I do know at one stage in the not too distant past, it was above 50%. What a nice way to treat your young folks. But apparently it’s Britain which is the basket case though.
  18. Don’t waste your breath Dawson, the civic and joyous Nat fanboys just won’t accept that. It doesn’t sit well with them. They’ll demonise Britain at any opportunity. It’s all they know. That said, they do enjoy the money and “free things” that comes with being in the Union.
  19. Has Spain left numpty? With its 50% youth unemployment!! They’ll miss the EU subsidies for Bull fighting. If you seriously think that Britain is a basket case, you really are stupid.
  20. But what’s presented to the contrary is factual though. Don’t be so puerile. There is plenty anti EU sentiment beyond these isles, only the delusional think otherwise.
  21. Evidence, I’m not so sure, but certain broadsheets were reporting that the Belgian, Dutch and especially the Italians wanted referendums. Many Germans are also very unhappy about the direction that the EU is going. The main problem being, certain countries only play by the rules when it suits.
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