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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. It’s delusional because Scotland has been told that there is a long winded process and it’s not remotely a given that membership will be granted. The fact that the electorate of many member states are eager for exit referendums would tend to indicate that it’s failing. That along with propping up basket case member states and being unaccountable would make it a club not worth joining. There are obviously many other reasons.
  2. I’m not sure, I’m certainly not as averse to the idea than I was previously. That’s probably because it’s become an inevitability and I’ll try and scrap for some potential positives, which is proving challenging. Given the EU divorce and the ensuing carnage, I find it baffling at best, that the Nats on here think that a divorce from the UK would be somewhat easier. It wouldn’t, it would be horrific. Add in their delusional aspirations about rejoining the failing EU and lack of credible answers re currency/debt etc, I remain unconvinced. That said, I’ll just need to live with it, because it’s happening! Boris is handing it to them on a plate. This is certainly not the same Conservative party that I leafleted for in the 83 and 87 elections.
  3. A classic retort from Nats who are unable the Indy Scotland economic questions.
  4. Well, credit where it is due. I was a tad concerned at the time that it was taking, but my elderly parents (both late 80’s) were called today and booked in for their first jab this Saturday
  5. Only in Scotland would they take a day off in the middle of a pandemic.
  6. Unless they can at least treble these abysmal vaccination figures, an ease of restrictions will not be anytime soon.
  7. And not one question to NS re the woeful vaccine figures. These lunchtime debacles are so staged it’s embarrassing. A question about a spike in Langholm and Canonbie though!!!
  8. That’s a shocking figure. The SG apologists will be along shortly with no end of excuses.
  9. Certainly lockdown has a lot to do with it, although there is no way people are as compliant this time around. The roads are remarkably busy! With these dropping numbers combined with the vaccine, surely the SG will look to moving us back into the tiered scenario mid February. We are going to have to face up to this at some stage, it’s not going away, the vaccine and dropping numbers will allow this.
  10. That looks really encouraging. Surely we are finally winning this battle.
  11. Hancock may indeed have won a raffle, but it’s not as big a raffle as the one that Gavin Williamson won.
  12. That’s the height of arrogance and bad manners. What a dreadful man.
  13. Levenmouth is happening. There’s not been a failure re opening closed railways. Bathgate, Larkhall, Alloa, Paisley Canal, Borders etc. Everyone has been a success story. Long may it continue.
  14. No doubt you’ve believed the “care home” excuse for the 4th day in a row. Gullible much!
  15. I can’t speak for Lex, but I certainly do give a f**k about this. As for people dying to help a cause, have a look on the politics forum and you’ll see plenty of civic and joyous Nationalists wishing death on the elderly, Tories etc etc. They’re not very nice these Nats, are they?
  16. Would they be as “lunatic” as the “rejoin the EU” party?
  17. In other words, career Civil Servants, trade unionists and idle leftists who have no history of success in business or generating employment and revenue. Looks about right.
  18. If all else fails, try Wales.
  19. And Nicola has gone for the National/Weegie thicko headline tactic. Little surprise that you’ve swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Anyway, at least you’ve got another Independence think tank. That’ll be really handy in the middle of a crisis. The Nats are just like Old Firm fans....it’s always someone else’s fault.
  20. I’m well aware of that, and allowing pro rata for that, we are already circa 100,000 behind. Don’t worry though, we’ve managed to prioritise an Independence think tank instead.
  21. 298,087 Vaccines carried out in the UK yesterday alone. More than Scotland has administered in total! This on the day that the SNP announce a new Independence task force. Well seeing where their priorities lie.
  22. If supply was being diverted elsewhere, you would never hear the end of it. It’s more likely to be good old Scottish incompetence.
  23. The country and a lot of its populace wouldn’t be able to survive that scenario.
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