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Ro Sham Bo

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Everything posted by Ro Sham Bo

  1. I'm sure a number of the players weren't happy because when Murray got the bullet they kissed goodbye to any hope of a new contract.
  2. I had a look on your website and noticed a few ex Rovers players in your side. Good luck for the run in.
  3. Trying to compare that game to the performance by Cuthbert is ridiculous.
  4. I can't imagine too many players will be signing for us just now when we are managerless.
  5. Who really cares what the board's motivation behind this is? In the last 18 months Laidlaw, Robinson and Cuthbert have all failed miserably when it comes to filling his gloves. I doubt very much we could have found a better goalkeeper on the market than him and if it has taken board intervention to get him to stay then so be it.
  6. It'll be Jason Thomson probably if he has met the extension clause in his contract.
  7. And that could also have happened if we retained him. Pleasantly surprised to log on and see the board have taken some action. There are plenty candidates out there although some are with clubs just now. What about Young at Albion Rovers? Aitken is also a good shout if Stranraer don't come up. Gary Bollan as well. Maybe even Allan Johnston? Anyway, good luck to Murray in the future.
  8. I wonder when the pre-season warm up games will be announced? The last thing Murray needs is another heavy defeat against a York type side or he will be getting it tight from the crowd before the season has even started.
  9. What difference does it make when we are 4-0 down? Jameson has saved three penalties in a row against us. Who is to say he wouldn't have saved Conroy's?
  10. Conroy takes all our set pieces. The rest of the time he is virtually invisible. I'm sure Anderson will have a comparable record of goals and assists if you take away Conroy's set pieces. I'm maybe a bit biased to be honest because the only players at that club who I feel any affinity with as a fan are Hill, McGurn and Anderson.
  11. At least Anderson tries. Conroy shows very little effort and has no positional sense at all. How Dundee managed to win the league with the likes of him and Nade in their side, not to mention Davidson and Dyer, is beyond me.
  12. Conroy is rubbish as well. I'll be pretty disappointed if we offer him a new deal.
  13. That situation is entirely of Murray's own making. Personally I won't even be giving him two games.
  14. Watson as managers player of the year. No surprise Murray gets that decision wrong as well.
  15. Watson was also straight down the tunnel. Nobody came over until McGurn, Hill and Anderson did and then Nade joined them.
  16. That back 4 without McGurn are horrific. The first three goals came from crosses we couldn't defend. Hill would also improve this situation.
  17. Correct. What a way to treat him. Leaving him rotting on the bench while we suffer thumping after thumping. Murray is pretty much finished in the eyes of 75% of the Rovers support I would guess. This run at the end of the season has eradicated what positive goodwill had been built up and he will have the fans on his back from the get go next season now.
  18. I'd rather we left Cardle alone. He was nothing special before and I doubt he'll have improved any sitting on the bench for Ross County all season. I think he might end up been at the Pars.
  19. Exactly this. I'm not convinced that Barr and Watson as a centre back pairing next season will be the golden ticket some think.
  20. http://www.raithrovers.net/19111/season-tickets-201516-fantastic-early-bird-deals.htm
  21. He's conceded 9 in the last 3 without Perry. An even worse ratio.
  22. Get your money on Charlton today.
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