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Ro Sham Bo

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Everything posted by Ro Sham Bo

  1. There's nothing wrong with 4-5-1 if you play it right but it's just horrible watching us use it. Then there's Murray's use of substitutions. Yesterday we were only one goal down and there was no sign of Murray making any changes despite us having a pretty decent looking bench now. Then we lose a second goal and suddenly it's double substitution time. It's pathetic.
  2. Another major banana skin approaching for Murray this weekend.
  3. Or it shows how poor we've become. I could easily see us going on a new run of 6 or 7 games without a win. There was nothing on show on Saturday to suggest we're close to turning the corner.
  4. That was a typical November performance today. The only difference was we got a couple of lucky breaks that allowed us to sneak a win.
  5. Maybe Fox should just go back to Livingston and he can get back to playing in empty stadiums if that would suit him better. We have been serving up the same guff for months and if Saturday turns out to be more of the same the management and players will deserve every bit of stick they get. For what it's worth I can't say I've noticed much audible dissent from the support before the half time whistle at any time this season.
  6. Superb night. The best yet. You could listen to that squad talk all night and not get bored.
  7. It's a shame Stevie McAnsepie won't be there tonight, but I suppose that's balanced out a bit by Neil Doncaster having to miss out as well.
  8. Jason Thomson on the criticism of Grant Murray by the fans: "Fans pay their money and can boo or cheer or do what they want. It's up to the manager to deal with that - anyone going into management will know they might come under pressure at some point". Doesn't exactly sound like he has much sympathy for Murray.
  9. I'm surprised folk feel like that. I was no fan of the way he dealt with criticism from the support but at least the board appear to have learnt for some horrendous budgeting errors 2 or 3 years ago and have turned things around (helped by some good cup results under Murray to be fair).
  10. It must be more serious than that because everytime he goes near the ball he ends up rolling around the pitch in agony.
  11. Having looked at the teams remaining a tie against Boness would do me.
  12. So who do we want in the next round of our Scottish Cup adventure? Are there any sides left in that we can defeat?
  13. He made Rory McKeown look accomplished. Their squad has a lot of ex SFL players but few, if any will have played in the top two leagues in Scotland. This would be a routine win for most sides at our level, but probably not us.
  14. Our record at central park is okay but we've failed to beat them at home in 4 attempts under Murray. I blame that pesky home support.
  15. The clocks have gone back and we've slipped down a place without even playing. It begins....
  16. Murray won't be sacked and I doubt he'll walk when his contact runs till the end of next season. I do get the impression that the club is so determined to be seen as the sort of club that doesn't sack managers and gives them plenty of time that they will probably cut their nose off to spite their face when it comes to Murray. The board would get slaughtered by the press if they sacked Murray with us mid table and only 6 months after winning the challenge cup. You can only appreciate the problems by watching us play regularly. After today I don't think he'll ever win the majority of fans round now though. Going into a home game against Alloa with a 7 point advantage in October and displaying such a negative 'must not lose' mentality is disgraceful.
  17. I can't imagine many will be on his side after today. It's only a matter of when, not if.
  18. I'd be tempted to give Callachan a start ahead of Moon, although I'd probably drop Scott back alongside Fox in midfield and play Vaughan with Stewart. The two of them did fine together against Cowdenbeath.
  19. In the couple of times I've seen him there have been far too many stupid flicks in dangerous positions, no hint of any defensive responsibility and I can't recall even one decent cross from him. I've never been a huge fan of Grant Anderson but he's miles better than McKay.
  20. Hill has resumed light training and is hopeful of making the side this weekend. Not sure about McKeown being dropped if it means that McKay is brought into the side. He falls into the Perry category for me of having no wish to see him playing for us again, at least not from the start. Mind you, McKeown meets the same criteria. It's a tricky one.
  21. It might be down to Murray. Whatever the reason, he's been atrocious. Even his long throws have been rubbish. I'm struggling to think of any player worse than him since we got promoted 5 years ago.
  22. That's enough about Calum Booth, what about Rory McKeown?
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