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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. No one seems to have answered this, yes you can attach any bike to a turbo trainer it is secured by the nuts and bolts that dold your wheel on and you can adjust it to any bike. With a turbo trainer at least you can stop and be held upright whereas if you use rollers you just have to keep going!
  2. The Source & Candi Staton - You Got The Love
  3. Billy Mitchell is a true salesman, way to go high roller. I laugh every time Kim calls Janine 'Janice'.
  4. I have to go to one of our customers today and tell them one of their clients is a well known Glasgow gangster and we don't want anything to do with them anymore.
  5. I'm back, even just looking at the name of the threads bored me.
  6. Just about to make my annual venture into the Old Firm Forum to see what pish is being spouted.
  7. Gloria Estefan - Coming out of the dark
  8. Oh, and I forgot to mention the episode where Kim went out jogging with Ray. I nearly guffed my boxers at those lovely, heaving, sweaty breasts.
  9. I watched last night's episode and really can't remember a thing that went on which is a true mark of how much shite the programme is becoming. It has to be Max, not only fumbling with Kat but also seeing Stacey on the side. Legend.
  10. Not clever enough to show pictures from Pedal for Scotland on here but my bib number was 9012 to prove I made it to the end too!! If that doesn't work just put in 'fucked looking c***s' in the wordsearch, I'm sure I will be there.
  11. This is the one that I have http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000BT577G/ref=asc_df_B000BT577G9727810?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B000BT577G Not sure you really need one with a gear shifter, I use the gears on the bike for that purpose!! They are a wee bit noisy but not too bad, I watch Sky Go on the laptop or listen to music when on mine and don't really notice the noise. What I would say is make sure your loft will be well ventilated or you are capable of opening windows? It will get a hell of a hot which is why mine is in the draughty garage.
  12. First and foremost get yourself a helmet, to be honest they can range from £25 to £225 and only real difference is the weight which again only makes a difference in competitive cycling. If you are getting a hybrid to knock about on and do some medium length cycling then anything up to about £50 would be fine. I just bought this one http://www.evanscycl...helmet-ec025853 I have no lights on my road bike as I don't intend to cycle it during twilight hours but I do on my hybrid as I will use it for training on during the winter and occassionally at nights. Lights if I was to be honest do not really light the way that well and I just think it is too dangerous cycling on the roads at night. Shorts are always a good idea and can also be expensive. Depends again what you are doing. I prefer lycra as it shows off my rippling muscles but a load of the guys I know use baggy type shorts still with arse padding which is pretty important. I would also no be without my clip in pedals and cycling shoes but these could probably come later for you. You will probably be provided with pedals with straps on them and any old trainers would do until you feel the need for more speed!! Other more sensible folk would also recommend buying spare inner tubes, tools, bum bags, pumps and all that jazzle but again not 100% necessary and something you can ask for for birthdays and xmas etc.
  13. I wrote to Cucling Scotland about my timing chip not working and they have now confirmed my exact time as 7hrs 21 minutes and 35 seconds which puts me about 2 1/2 hours behind the quickest rider!! Allowing for half an hour stop time (which I doubt he did) that still means that over 100 miles he was 2 hours quicker than me - fucking mental.
  14. If you reckon you would be okay to run for 30k then I suspect you would be fine to do the cycling as (again I assume) you would do that first? To train for that sort of distance it would be very much like how you would build yourself up for the run. Start off with shorter cycles on the flat then start to throw in some hill climbs and increasing your distance as you go. 145km represents (in my mind) 90 miles and I would reckon you would only need to do a 75 miler to be confident you would cope with 90. Perhaps the key thing for you would be the kind of bike you are going to do it on. If you haven't been on one for 15 years I assume you don't own one that would be fit for purpose and they can be expensive to buy if you are going to purchase one. For 90 miles a road bike would obviously be your best bet and there are plenty of posts further back on this thread suggesting decent one's - indeed Unleash The Nade was selling a decent one but not sure if he still has it. In terms of the speed and time for that distance I would have thought that an average speed of 17-18mph would be decent (dependent on the course) which would take you around 5 hours but if you are fit and on a flattish course speeds of 20mph plus would not be out of the question. The fastest time for the PFS Sportive (100 timed miles) on Sunday was just under 5 hours and it was a brute of a course in windy conditions. Hope this helps!
  15. You should try closing your legs in the wind, it will keep your flaps from blowing up and being sore.
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