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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. You can have one of mine, still at it this morning. Trap 3 this time.
  2. Why do people keep seeing Kat coming out of a communal door to a flat she has f**k all to do with and not think of asking what she is up to? Does the fact that Michael appeared in the house just seconds after Kat had phoned her mystery man mean it could not have been him? Or was going upstairs to get changed an excuse to text her to say she would not be getting the boaby that night? Alfie is becoming a figure of much mocking in our house at the moment, we used to quite like him but he is so naive it is becoming annoying.
  3. Ella Fitzgerald - Every Time We Say Goodbye
  4. That's a decent time for what I assume is the longest cycle you have done to date. You are right about being aggressive, one tip would be not to relax on the easier and downhill sections, keep pedalling if you can to maintain a good average speed. I have a turbo trainer in my garage and would have to say it is a decent investment as an exercise and keep fit tool, it would not really help you as a cyclist although my boss does have some training DVD's specifically for using on turbo trainers and it tells you when to increase gears / cadence etc.
  5. Interesting, I ate a few 'energy gels' yesterday when out cycling and had the most massive sticky log at work this morning.
  6. Technically the Sportive was on what you could class as roads. Also saw a fair few punctures - those were the only folk I managed to pass!!
  7. <<<<<<<<< Me arriving at Murrayfield, just to prove I made it.
  8. They put it up that high when 'Wheels' was in it as he was really good at darts and they all hated him.
  9. Just looked at the paper and the fastest time was just under 5 hours which is just absolutely fucking unreal!!
  10. First of all, well done to all you guys who took part and completed the PFS this year. I have to say, however, that it may be the last year I participate as the Sportive Route they had yesterday was just a bit too much. I appreciate it is meant to be a Sportive and therefore difficult but I am a keen but vey amateur cyclist and some of the hills they took you up were just brutal. This year they stretched it from 94 miles to 110 miles and they freely admitted they had thrown in more hill climbs. There was one in particular just after the Douglas feed station where you turned right just before the M74 to head towards Abington and had a 6 mile climb into a 30mph wind on the worst road surface I have ever been on and that is no word of a lie. For the entire climb I was in my easiest gear and going at 6.3mph. There was also a couple of additional hills on the newly extended route which although I got up was going at about the same pace. IMO it is truly a Sportive Ride and not one which you would do for a bit of fun as a charity fundraiser. To add insult to injury my timing chip never registered at the end so my name doesn't appear in the paper this morning and it looks like i never finished!! I did, however, and I managed to cover the 112.9 miles in 7hrs 54 minutes at an avergae of 14.2mph. The one good thing about big climbs is big descents and I clocked 48.9mph as my top speed.
  11. It's my 40th birthday today. Happy Birthday to me.
  12. Yep, I noticed on the website they are not sending t-shirts out, you get them at the end.
  13. Has anyone out there received their packs for PFS yet? I am down south until Saturday night so not sure if it has been delivered. As for parking, all single yellow line, parking bays etc are free on a Sunday so get there early and you will be fine. I work in Glasgow so will take the car up to Garscube Road (where I park during the week as its free) and cycle to the Green, it's only 5 minutes. Will get the train to work on Monday and just go collect the car as usual after work.
  14. I am currently having a medium Americano in Greggs Moments in the Metro Centre. Greggs coffee in usually rank but this is pretty decent.
  15. Why do you and your mates not do the Pedal For Scotland 50 mile cycle on Sunday - you can register on the day. It is a really good flat (ish) route that you will cope with and has around 4 or 5 stops I think for free beverages and snacks! Just a thought.
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