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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Now we have another storyline they can drag out for a while. Who was Max visiting?
  2. Cheers for that Drooper, I agree with you, I reckon it must be worth about 3-4mph. I am doing the PFS 110 miler on Sunday and have no one else I know doing it so I am kind of hoping to join in with a reasonable paced group and see how it goes. I tried the increased cadence thing a week or so back and found my knees to be sore when I finished which is strange as you would expect this when grinding away.
  3. I watched Dr Who for the first time in years on Saturday as my youngster wanted to watch it and have to say I really enjoyed it. Can't comment on how it compares to the last few series though.
  4. UTN, what difference to your average speed do you think it makes when you are riding in a group? I went out on my own last night and just did a 17 mile spin but averaged only 17.5mph. Now I think I am a reasonably strong cyclist and the wind was strong but to get to the kind of average speed your group gets to seems a long way away for me! Also, when you are bowling along the flat do you spin in an easier gear (popular on tour at the moment) or do you engage a tough gear and grind along? I prefer the grind method.
  5. Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas?
  6. I was at The Time Capsule today with the kids, what a fucking place that is! If anyone is thinking about a tattoo and don't know what to go for I would suggest a trip there, you're bound to find one you like.
  7. Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band
  8. HELP PLEASE!! My home PC is fecked and I have now lost I Tunes as well as all other programmes. Not too bothered about the PC as getting a laptop as a replacement bu does anyone know if it is possible to download I Tunes again with all my music still on it?
  9. Watch it again and listen as the ice gets poured out the bucket. It makes such a plasticy noise it is obvious it wasnt even real ice I ran around the living room shouting 'get in there' when Tanya won the boxing, I love her too but probably in a different way to Mrs M. I now concede it is unlikely to be Ian Beale that has been shagging Kat, I now reckon it is Massood the randy postie.
  10. I think your out of order rant in your second post kind of made folk think you were a dick and hence the thread failed.
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