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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Big Railroad Blues - The Grateful Dead
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What a strange question - why did you think it couldn't?
  3. Come on here after weeks of absence to unashamedly pimp out your bike then disappear again...
  4. Mine was watching TV and said that the vegetable peeler they were using on Masterchef looked cool. I got her one as a present (albeit birthday not giving birth) and she went mental. After that she gets nothing.
  5. Missed Eastenders on Tuesday, anything happen?
  6. Probably not then. My hybrid cleats (MTB's) afford you the luxury of being able to wear the shoes and walking normally. My road bike cleats, however, have the wife screaming like mad as I walk through the house with blade like soles on her carpets Clipping in - front first into pedal then weight on your heels to snap them in place. Clipping out - swivel heel to outside and pull out of pedal - simple (most of the time). All clips can be set to be quite loose to get you used to it. Mine are now very tight to get on and off which means they don't shift a bit when you are pedalling - makes you go faster!!!!!
  7. I also think that Abi is being a bit harsh on Jay, she hasn't even listened to his point of view. Those blue trousers she had on really showed off her thunder thighs well.
  8. Never a truer word said. During my 77 miler yesterday I stopped for a banana and unclipped one foot and rested against a wall. Decided to sit on the wall for a while and promptly forgot I was still clipped in on the other foot and ended up on my back halfway onto the road .
  9. If you are getting your bike fixed and use it often enough then maybe now is the time to invest in some new pedals and shoes as opposed to straps?
  10. Not only is she getting on my wick saying Denni all the time, it is also getting annoying the way she keeps calling him bayyyyby.
  11. Jesus christ that was tough today!! 77.33 miles in 5hrs 4mins averaging at 15.2mph. Pishing of rain all the way - did SQ to Dunbar / North Berwick and back in a loop including some tought hills. Stopped once for a snack break and legs were pretty sore at the end but pleased to have got in 3/4 of the PFS distance which I am hoping will be easier riding as I will tag along in some of the groups.
  12. FFS so it is! So much for trying for at least a 70 miler on Sunday have you seen the forecast.
  13. Not sure what pressure is on my track pump but whatever it is I pumped mine up to 120 before heading out today!
  14. With PFS 110 miler in three weeks I have just been back out for the first time since ripping the tendons in my heel last month. Reasonably gentle 17 miles in exactly an hour and the heel held up well. Most concerning thing was the pain in my calf muscle which has been there for a while as a result of having to hobble around on the ball of my foot of late. Going to try for a minimum of 60 miles on Monday.
  15. I really found the signing over of all his (Ian) assets to his daughter (who is still a minor?) very confusing and agree with the above post assuming it will all be put right when he claims he did it as a fruit loop. Shirley's acting is becoming a nonsense.
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