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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Very funny!! I have fallen by the wayside recently, bike is rusting in the garage out of sheer laziness I'm afraid (and also the golf season getting in the way!!) Will need to get back into it though, have registered for the PFS 100 miler and will do it. My boss cycled into a broken down 7.5t lorry 2 weeks ago at full pelt. Totally his own fault as he admits, head down watching out for potholes. Two broken hands, broken ribs, torn calf muscle and other bits of carnage! Had it not been a curtain sider he reckons he would be potted hough by now. Bike fucked, luckily it wasn't his new one he had bought a couple of months ago. Kind of puts you off a wee bit.
  2. Lads I am really sorry to do this but my good lady has just reminded me that I have my kids coming over all weekend next week!! Shows you how much my head is up my arse at work if I can't even remember that. Going to have to pull out the cycle, bike is getting rusty through lack of use.
  3. Sincere apologies, fecking hectic at work over last three weeks!! Count me in for 6th May, more detailed posts to follow, just jumped on to confirm my participation!
  4. I use average speed as a good indicator of fitness. I have a variety of routes and keep a record of times etc on them all. Yes, sometimes the weather will be different and wind will be harder but that just means it helps you more too so it all evens out. Anyway I'm right and you're all wrong
  5. Any chance you could change your speedo to mph??? Just been in to get my new Shimano 9 gear 11-25 rear cassette and they are out of stck Will have to wait until Thursday. Have three cycles planned for this weekend:- 1. South Queensferry to Dunbar (where my caravan is) on Friday afternoon. 2. Out for a 30 miler with a couple of guys on Sunday afternoon 3. Back to South Queensferry on Monday afternoon. Should be about 120 miles in total and flying down the hills on my newly geared speed machine.
  6. Okay so lets assume it was really 2hrs 15 minutes!!
  7. This is the one that my boss refuses to do as the road surfaces are not that great. He does, however, live not far from the Dukes Pass and chooses his own routes on the good roads and says it is brilliant. Dukes Pass is a lonnnnnnnggggg three mile climb if you haven't seen it before!! Edit to add - I am away with the family this weekend or I may well have done it for the sake fo the miles.
  8. You should have knocked on my door and come in for afternoon tea and scones!! Cycling shorts really are a must, regardless of how soft you think your saddle is, nappy rash is not for the faint hearted.
  9. It is a great climbing hill and well worth it when you reach the top as from memory the descent is quite gradual and long and you can belt down it. I distinctly remember sticking my legs out to the side going weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I was relatively new to cycling at the time!
  10. One of the hills in the Glasgow - Edinburgh cycle was in Avonbridge where you turn right from the main street and head out of the village (?) did you go up or down that one at all?
  11. I kind of agree with your point of the unnecessary sexual scenes but disagree on the not liking the show. I am actually quite enjoying it. On the polygraph test, I am assuming that he passed it because he was prepared for the question as Carrie had told him. I understand you can do this if you are a shit hot ex marine. The question I have - did she do it on purpose or was it becasue she was pished and gagging for a disappointing rear seat humping by a guy who could only w**k off to his stunning wife a couple of episodes ago?
  12. I just hate having to wait for other people to respond so you can get on and do stuff you need to get finished today because you are out the rest of the week.
  13. This has just made my morning In the Edinburgh Bicycle shop at the weekend (looking at bike stuff surprisingly enough ) and have decided to change my rear cassette to one with fewer teeth on the lowest gear as I am finding I am spinning too much at top speed. If that doesnt work I may have to change the front one but as they guy suggested try the cheapest option first. So at a cost of about £25 that is what I am going to do.
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