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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Decent wee run yesterday on the hybrid. Had left the car in town after a night on the pish so cycled to Portobello, up and over Arthurs Seat (!) then back to car at the top of Clermiston Hill. Only 23 miles but after the 1hr 26mins I was fecked, especially with two major climbs!
  2. I am unable to go to the football game mentioned in my signature today due to me having to attend a Childrens Theatre show at 2pm. Would it be wrong of me to feign injury given my daughter is one of the main characters??
  3. I give in with you lot. What about last night - Ben grows a pair!!! Bet he gets a doing from Shirley on Monday though.
  4. I'm sorry but having this thread on Page 2 is just disrespectful to the programme. Mind you, it has been gash for the last few episodes.
  5. Can't believe no-one has mentioned how ugly Lucy has come back.
  6. What a cruel cruel bitch Bianca is telling her kid that his dad is Barrack Obama!!
  7. You've probably got about 15 years on UTN though!!
  8. That is a well decent pace, you did fail to mention you were coming down a mountain at the time...
  9. You do know that oil from your chain will likely go on the carpet - right?? Also, if you are doing it right you should sweat like a bear - not a nice combo for the Mrs to come back to... Took the hybrid for a spin on the roads yesterday to give it a break from the turbo. Tyres now look very shiny so not the safest on the damp roads!!
  10. An excellent point and probably why the Junior Forum is one of the most followed and posted in forums on here.
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