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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Other than yesterday there would be no way I would venture out on the bike of late, the wind has been ridiculous. Not done any training at all, going to get the New Year out the way then get back into Turbo Training and out on the road as much as possible. Weight being maintained at the moment though so that is quite positive!
  2. I found three sets of headphones in The Phoenix's blue bin today.
  3. Also, what was Kim doing prancing about in the pub last night trying to get off with one of the firework brothers. I know she didnt know they were involved but has someone not just been killed in her B&B and another (Tumblar) not received serious burns?? Surely she should be showing a little more remorse / respect instead of trying to staisfy those lovely lovely lovely jubblies of hers??
  4. Wait a minute. Was Ben not in the room when Phil got a text from the blackmailer? Was he also not part of the 'stakeout' when the advent calendar got left on the door. I have to assume there is someone helping out but that person has not been revealed? No good actor appears in The Sarah Jane Mysteries.
  5. I got:- Footie trainers (decent effort for a woman) Footie socks Aftershave Drink bottle / cage for the bike plus energy powder Hoodie (Duffer by St George - pretty decent) Banana toffee from Thorntons Pants & socks Oor Wullie quiz book Not a bad effort overall.
  6. The ginga whinga is back - disaster. All gone quiet on the Phil blackmail situation.
  7. Scooby Doo - The Mystery Begins I need to hibernate and come back out when the kids can watch 18 rated films. 2/10 for effort.
  8. In that case she should have spoken to one of the other countless folks that would listen to her and she has had the option to speak to. There is no justifying this storyline at all.
  9. As with many many Eastenders story lines the whole Zainab / Yousef one is getting right on my nerves already. If Zainab was so concerned over her youngster (can't even remember his name at the moment) and wanted to escape the clutches of evil Dr Yousef then all she needed to do last night was tell the Police when they were at the door. Have refused to read anything about Xmas day episodes or that so it will all be a nice surprise.
  10. It is both my wife's birthday today (41) and my dogs birthday (3) too. Happy Birthday to the one I love......
  11. Last night of 5's for this year tonight - looking forward to it.
  12. There is no danger of that!! The trick with a turbo trainer is to do something else at the same time or you will get bored shitless. An I Pod or watching a good film on a laptop in front of you is my preferred method. Also go up and down the gears. Santa Claus is going to bring me a cycling DVD which takes you through routes and tries to simulate climbs etc by getting you to use your gears - that may hold the interest somewhat as you are doing different things.
  13. Looks pretty decent, anything under £100 is simply replacing a good night out with the lads with something that will last longer!!
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