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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. With the revelation about Ricky being kciked out of Dubai (only we don't know why), I am becoming more convinced on your suspect for the Phil's stalker storyline. Big Hev and Andrew would make an interesting YouTube romp.
  2. Well I watched last nights episode and just reminded myself how dull things have become. The only thing that will keep me viewing is the thought of Fat Pat snuffing it and eventually finding out who is winding up Phil. Oh, and the fact that Tanya continues to be on all the time - that is good. I suspect Max for the Phil thing.
  3. Really looking forward to getting a takeaway for your tea and finding the wife has decided not to go to exercise class and instead decided to stay at home and 'cook you something nice'. She will never win Masterchef.
  4. Did 50 minutes on the turbo trainer last night which doesn't sound a lot but believe me it is the equivalent of about 2 1/2 hours on the road. Did a very intense workout (going up and down the gears) and despite the cold in the garage was sweating like Div when someone 'flames or trolls' on the Junior Forum.
  5. It all seems very plausible but not strange enough for the script writers I fear. It is more likely to be Angie Watts.
  6. I wouldn't know, I still can't see it!
  7. I will watch on with interest tonight - I agree about having to wait until Xmas Day, even then it will be someone you would never expect for a reason that no-one would ever have guessed in a million years. Hope Tanya is still kicking about tonight.
  8. Yeah, what he said is what I was going to do when in full possession of the facts...
  9. Tell us the lengths and we will work it out for you.
  10. I can't see the above post - it would be much easier if folk stuck to typing rather than videos / pictures whatever the post is....
  11. A Dolphin Tale. My 5 year old cried her eyes out from about half an hour in. 8/10 - too far fetched.
  12. Excellent, thanks. Do we know who is behind the Phil black mailing scam?
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