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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. I have only been watching intermitently recently (my bad) and gather Tanya has stopped her treatments. Was this for any particular reason?
  2. I'm on a half day today and have spent all morning looking at P&B.
  3. What a tremedous thread, can't get Paint on the works laptop though. These were my two favourites - Gary Linear deserves the current 27 greenies it has!!
  4. For me a turbo is likely to be the only way to keep my fitness up over the winter as I don't like to cycle in the dark (puts going after work out) and the weekends tend to get taken up with family / football / golf. The good thing about them is that it is your own bike you use (unlike an exercise bike) and you can use the gears to determine your workout programme - I tend to start off on easy gears and work my way through, unbelievably if you are watching footie the time flies!! You can also buy what they call a riser block http://www.tredz.co.uk/.CycleOps-Riser-Block_4276.htm , what this does is allow you to adjust the height your front wheel is off the ground to stimulate hill climbing. Link to my turbo trainer - http://www.tredz.co.uk/.CycleOps-Mag-Trainer-With-Shifter_4272.htm
  5. Just been out on the road for the first time in ages and had to acquaint myself which which gear lever did what!! 22 miles, 1 hour 12 minutes - end of Linlithgow and back via Kirkliston. Good to be back.
  6. Broon, I love my turbo trainer, I have got a Cyclops Magna + I think (will check the box when I get out the bath!). I reckon it is probably basic (cost me about £130 on E Bay new) but it works superb. I have my hybrid bike connected to it (it only takes 10 seconds to take it off) in the garage and have subscribed to Sky Go so can watch the footie on my laptop in front of me when training. Further advices to follow.... Edit. Yep defo a CycleOps Mag +
  7. Those climbs to Beecraigs and Cairnpapple (for the educated ) are beauties!
  8. I also forgot to mention my schoolboy error from last night.... When Janine and Pat were talking, my Mrs said 'look she has a top like me' and I said 'who Pat?' Not the best thing to say apparently.
  9. Drooper, could I suggest you set up a PM thread when we get this up and running, at least that way we will get E mail notifications on 'team' matters?
  10. So where do we go from the doof doofers last night then?? Alfie accepts that Kat is a slapper and doesn't want to know when she shags around and Kat knows how much Alfie loves her and wants to stay with a guy who will turn a blind eye to her romping.... Not sure who is more mental.
  11. Had to come into work Bike back in garage until Monday afternoon possibly.
  12. Drooper Unleash The Nade broon-loon Newborn Bairn Sarge Bullman Monkeyblair Great idea
  13. I have taken a day off work tomorrow and plan to get back out on the road for a decent cycle. Will probably do the Queensferry to Bonnybridge to Kincardine Bridge to Dunfermline to Forth Road Bridge route. Weather looks set fair.
  14. Just watched Tuesday's episode - I bet Mrs M went awwwwwwww Alfie right at the end.
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