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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Just arranged to go out on Saturday morning for my first road jaunt in a while. Must say I am not looking forward to it.
  2. Cowdenbeath at home in the 3rd Round of the Scottish Cup - could have been better.

  3. Ach well, will catch the drudgery later tonight.
  4. Have to admit I have been very guilty of late of not having trained at all. Been on holiday (decent excuse) but really need to get back in the saddle either on the road or on the turbo trainer.
  5. Have been away for a week on holiday and had hoped to come here and find a wee Mrs M blog on the goings on in the Square since last Friday and my previous post was the latest one.
  6. Was at Alton Towers on Thursday and would encourage anyone who goes to join the 'Single Rider' queues whenever you can. I went on all of the 'thrill rides' at least 3 times each and never waited for any more than 5 minutes at a time. Obviously it means you dont get to go on at the same time as your pals / wife but who cares!! Oblivion is still the best ride I have been on....
  7. BTW, did anyone get any of the under armour type stuff from Aldi when they were on sale? I got bought a set but not been out with them on yet so not sure if they will be any good. If not, not really too much of a waste of money at £8 each!!
  8. I have to admit I wear glasses everytime I go out cycling, darker ones during the day and the yellow type lenses that brighten things up when it is a bit murky. As UTN says it keeps your eyes safe from beasties.
  9. Great to see Shirley is back out of the dishwasher again, she has scrubbed up not too bad. Just what the Square needed. Dr Khan is a scheming no good fucker and Sayeed is a dad already!! Christian will be gutted.
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