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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Make it your avatar again, it is well funny....
  2. You really are not a big fan of hers are you? I have to say the nervous shaking after 'robbing' the gym when she was speaking to Jodie was hilarious. I will miss David Essex, he was a decent character, the storyline for the next wee while looks set to be Ben(der) and how Phil can come to terms with the fact that his son is gay.
  3. Ben is turning out to be a right wee gay fud. All of the aggro with Phil and the rest of the Square is all to do with Paddy seeing him winching his non gay friend and he is letting it all happen as he doesn't want to admit to his old man he is bent.... And what is Ian going to do with skanky Mandy, I predict a gruesome Xmas murder.
  4. Your bedroom furniture leaves a lot to be desired!!
  5. Agreed. TBH she she deserves a divorce for the way she keeps calling Tamwar, Tumwar. Get it right woman.
  6. It's kind of like saying Candyman 3 times into a mirror, it comes true if you do it. You are making the assumption here that Masood does not want a divorce are you not? Perhaps he is taking the opportunity here of ditching the slightly chubby one whilst still trying to fire into Denise.
  7. If it was Ben that lobbed the brick through the B&B window I'm not exactly convinced it was the best way to make sure Patrick kept quiet about him seeing him snecking his new boyfriend.... I am assuming that Zainab thought she and Massood were going to get back together? I have to say I like the way that divorce happens for Muslims, if it was as easy as that it would have saved me well over £100k.......
  8. My road bike will be given one last hurl on Sunday then packed away for the winter. Back to the hybrid after that although the road bike may be brought out if we get some nice dry winter weather. Still refuse to believe that mudguards of any sort are acceptable.
  9. You will be pished out of your head if you are only hoping to get out of the pub today!!
  10. I know the road very well given that I have been a member at West Lothian Golf Club for 30 years now!! Only problem with that road is the surface is not very good. You should have headed up to Beecraigs when you were in Linlithgow!!
  11. Weather looks set to be good midweek - might take a sneaky wee half day and go up the hills again on Friday...
  12. What is more important is that Ben Mitchell is a poofter and no-one has been on to say so...
  13. Was out for a decent run yesterday. Went from SQ to Linlithgow, up to Beecraigs again then kept going up the hills to Bathgate which were hills I would have struggled to drive up 6 months ago never mind cycle all the way up. Back to SQ through Armadale / Linlithgow and did the 38 miles in 2 hours 10 minutes which I was well please with considering that I was struggling to get to 8mph on certain parts of the climbs. Really good testing route which gives you a bit of everything.
  14. Please be wary of buying the clothes, especially the trousers / shorts which are essentials in keeping you comfortable. They are not the best quality and the track pump I bought when I first started fell to bits. Not sure what else they will sell, I think I bought their sunglasses too and they are still okay and will do me until I get a better pair.
  15. What the fucking hell is Kat's problem, she is mental.
  16. My plans for the winter is to work on my turbo trainer in the garage two to three nights a week and the odd foray out on the hybrid on a nicer weekend day. Road bike being left in the garage until Spring.
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