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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Hey, as long as it is going West to East it can arrive anytime!!
  2. I tend to agree that the Boardman gives you a lot of bike for your money.
  3. Drooper gave some really good advice there and it seems like you are set on a hybrid especially if you are going to tow / fit a kiddie seat to it. One thing to remember, even if Halfords is your only option for your Cycle 2 Work scheme you are not restricted to the bikes they have on show. Ask them and they will order anything in for you, just as long as they get the sale it won't bother them. You would have been able to do the PFS on a trike.
  4. Really felt sad for Kat and (especially) Alfie last night, a sad episode.
  5. Well, that's rider number 9110 done his last training session before the PFS 100 miler on Sunday. A quick 34 mile sprint in exactly 2 hours, 17 miles straight into the wind and rain was torture, coming back was a breeze Really looking forward to Sunday now, have discussed tactics with my cycling buddy and we are going to try and tuck in behind a peleton of good cyclists and cycle like buggery to keep up for as long as we can. Slight change of stop tactic, going to stop at the first stop (25 miles) miss out the middle one and stop at the second on at 75 miles. In total I will nearly top £2k of sponsorship for Scottish Cot Death Trust which is another real reason I am so committed to finishing.
  6. Alfie Moon was a complete dickhead last night, effectively calling his Mrs a slapper. Tut tut.
  7. At the birth of my youngest I spent most of my time lying on the floor of the room in agony as was really really not well at the time. I managed to stand up to go through to the birth but was kept well away from the business end, sat on a stool and told to chat to my wife if I could. We were both completely done in by the end of it for different reasons but it was great just to be there, I thought they may have kept me out but didn't.
  8. Why don't you make your location Box Office Headquarters then. Oh wait a minute.....
  9. My girl had a milk allergy and it was a disaster for a couple of years or so until she grew out of it. Constantly looking at ingredients of things to see if there was any milk substances in it etc... We were advised to introduce her to milk every now and again to see the reaction and then one day it was gone. Totally bizarre.
  10. What is your guess about where it is going and what the outcome will be? I have to admit that I kind of switch off to all that is going on with that family. Felt sorry for Jean again on Friday, at one point the scriptwriters are going to have to write in her getting a good pumping, she deserves one.
  11. Michael is a creep, I really want this storyline to come to a head soon as it is starting to bug me.
  12. Yep, that was my cycling time, we did stop at the last place (Kirkliston) but only for a pee break, could easily have cycled on, think we stopped for 10 minutes or so. Planning on stopping at the 50 mile stage of the 100 this Sunday to replenish the water bottles and then hopefully ride through to the end, will wait and see how we are at the 75 mile stage.
  13. Has the new Glasgow Bypass road taken the congestion out of the City Centre and Kingston Bridge? Has it f**k!!
  14. On your road bike you should aim for less than 4 hours every day of the week. Having taken up cycling ony 5 months before last years race I did it in 3 hours 6 minutes on a hybrid for fecks sake!!! Route is really easy. Got all my stuff on Friday including my chip etc for the bike, have looked through the route and the highest point is twice as high as the Challenge Route!!! Despite registering the day after last years cycle I am rider number 9000 and odd - not sure exact number, all the stuff is in the house but will let you know later!!
  15. There was a wee bit of an error there that I noticed too. Vanessa indicated that 2% of every car sale wouldn't be enough but that was an increase of 2% over and above what he usually gets which hasn't been disclosed I don't think. He may actually already get a decent percentage. I also heard on the radio today that there have been an increase in enquiries to a certain type of doctor following Tanya's story line.....
  16. Darren really is a wee p***k at the moment. Pocketing £500 from the sale of a £2000 car is really asking for trouble. Start small, take a couple of hundred, it is much less likely to be noticed, it is reasonably obvious that the guy is going to come back with a problem with the car and ask for his money back. Skiffle music
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