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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. NBB, I registered right after last years event and was also getting concerned about lack of info. I wrote to Cycling Scotland on Tuesday this week and got this reply on Wednesday..... Good morning Alan, You should be receiving your pack within the next week. Kind regards William Not exactly the wooly response I expected!!
  2. As a matter of interest, what age, weight and height are all you cyclists on here?? I am going to be 39 next Thursday, am 6ft 1 inch and now weigh a little over 13 stone. 2 months ago I was 15 1/2 stone and by cutting out eating nonsense and increased miles on the bike have shed some serious pounds. The difference in getting up hills is phenomanal and average speed is improving all the time.
  3. Well one very unwell youngster last night put paid to any thoughts of an early morning long cycle this morning. Managed an extended Round the Forth route of 48 miles in 2 hours 45 minutes. Very doubtful that I will now get out for a long cycle before next Sunday and will just have to trust my legs will do 100 miles!!
  4. Did 90 minutes on the turbo yesterday morning after my 50 miler the day before then also played 5's yesterday too. Legs a little sore so having a rest day today then planning on doing that 75-80 mile cycle early tomorrow morning to get me prepared for the PFS Sportive as I might not get another chance before next Sunday.
  5. Just back from a 50 mile cycle round East Lothian with my PFS partner who was slightly worse for wear following a hard weekend drinking!! Took us over 3 hours, first 25 miles straight into the wind but practically got blown back to Dunbar downhill and downwind!!
  6. *waits for UTN's suggestion as to whether fruit or cherry scones should be taken and Earl Grey or Fruit Infusion tea...
  7. Been to 2 bike shops today and both said 2 punctures in 5 days is just really unlucky. Both said that as tyres are relatively new just to persevere with them, keep them inflated properly and replace them with firmer tyres when they need to be replaced if I still want to. Another two inner tubes bought in preparation for my distance cycle on Monday.
  8. The other bit of advice I would give is that consider why you are changing. If you think you will use the lower drop down bars all the time then you won't. My riding position on the road bike is almost as upright as on my hybrid most of the time. Go to a bike shop and sit on a road bike to get an idea of the set up of the bars and then consider again. A hybrid and a road bike are so different I think it may be a mistake getting drop bars put on a hybrid - but only my opinion.
  9. Permission from Mrs B to get puncture proof tyres put on over the weekend and have now attached my pump to my bike using the bracket provided. Just about ready to go!! I am doing 78 miles on Monday morning starting about 6.30pm - heading to Dunbar and back. Anyone fancy joining me at Queens Crossing Hotel in SQ? I could do with a puncture repair man!!
  10. That was a seriously heavy post after such a shite episode.
  11. Fucking cnuts. Tonight I was 5 minutes away from throwing my bike in the fucking bin. Plan to cycle to Musselburgh and back - check Spare inner tube in pouch - check Tyre levers in pouch - check Pump in fucking garage - check Rear wheel puncture 23 miles into cycle - fucking checkity check check The only thing that saved my cycling career tonight was a friendly fellow road biker who stopped, provided me with a pump and some assistance to change the tube quickly. We then cycled and chatted all the way back to SQ as he lived in North Queensferry. A huge thank you if you are reading this. Bike in for 6 week service at the weekend, solid rubber tyres getting put on.
  12. Planning on going round the bridges tonight, new tube fitted, spare bought and in my pouch!!
  13. Oi, leave fats alone, he is really good to Mrs C and only ever thinks about everyone else, to say he is useless is cruel. Forgot about that, not sure he reached.
  14. Shirely really got on my tits last night, first of all she had to be forced to go, forced to pretend to be a lesbian and then proceeded to try and stop hunky Andrew getting it on with Hev, what is that all about!! I think she may have been a bit concerned that she got stuck in the middle of the two of them when they were getting it on but give her a break FFS, she hasn't seen hide nor hair of a walloper since Darren and her created George. Also, how did Fatboy find Whitney hiding when he had been nowhere near her yet Rob lost her and he had been right next to her. He is a creepy cnut by the way, Whit must have been the only one surprised it was him at the hotel door at the doof doofers too, she surely would have known it was near the end of the programme.... I love Dot as a character she makes me laugh. Kim needs to have a clean bill of health, I would miss those massive shiny bosoms.
  15. Good shout on the inflation level, I took the inner tube to Dales today and he said it looked like a rim pinch where the tube probably wasn't inflated enough, you go over a wee dunt and the rim pinches the tube bursting it!! Fucks sake if I took all the stuff you talk about I would be like a fucking camel. Where would my flask and packed lunch box go...
  16. There really should have been a warning before the show last night for readers of a sensitive nature. I was eating my tea when Hev came out with the line - 'I'm so excited, everytime I think about it a little bit of wee comes out' I will now spend the rest of the day waiting for someone to come in and get the chicken chilli stir fry stain out of my carpet.
  17. Sounds like good advice, again the only issue I have with these types of tyres is sacrificing speed for harder wearing rubber, any idea how much of a difference it makes?? I see the tyres you are talking about are £30 a pop which is not too bad.
  18. Fucking wankers. 9 miles into a Round the Bridges trip and my rear tyre punctures. Spare inner tube used on hybrid and not been replaced yet. Just had to call oot the AY (auld yin) to bring me home. Now starts the complicated process of taking the wheel off in preparation for new inner tube tomorrow. I feel it deserves to be said again. Fucking wankers.
  19. Chicken chatt puree for starter last night followed by a chicken tikka patia, popadums and garlic nan. First and last treat for ages.
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