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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. I have to admit I thought that was a bit bizarre letting the kids heave you out your own house, I would have told them where to go. I got the wife to rewind that slap twice, it was a fucking beauty I just had to see it again. Sorry about that, do you honestly never look at the BBC Eastenders website though? Lucky boy....
  2. So rather than Fabreeze you would go for an option which means that if you ever stopped in Glasgow you would have locals trying to dunk chips in your helmet!!
  3. Just been invited to a sponsors golf day at Renfrew Golf Club tomorrow
  4. Cheeky running fickers - that is why there is a cycle path and a pedestrian path on the bridge!
  5. Apologies for ignoring your smelly helmet syndrome. I must admit I have not noticed it as an issue for me, yes my foam inserts absorb sweat but they don't seem to have a smell problem like yours. You seem to be doing all you can to keep your helmet clean, spraying it with Febreeze seems the next logical step...
  6. Sounds like the cause of the original puncture was still embedded within the tyre. Always run your hand carefully around the inside of the tyre before putting a new inner tube in, has happened to me too.
  7. I don't think it is much to do with the dropped bars as I spend most of my time upright on the road bike. Loads to do with the gearing / tyres as you mention - most hybrids have thick(er) tyres than road bikes and not so quick.
  8. Went out for a 49 cycle with my PFS partner yesterday. He had done the route on Friday on his hybrid and took 3hrs 20 mins. I did it in 2hrs 55mins and he came trailing in two minutes later!! Not only did he sit in my slipstream most of the way out into the wind, I also stopped and waited for him a couple of times then just burnt him off on the home run Really shows the difference between a hybrid and a road bike as he is undoubtetly fitter than me and said that he has never cycled harder than he did and couldn't make any inroads into me at all. GIRFUY Winkie if you are reading this!!!!!!
  9. Good effort NBB, remember you can take the car and park it closer to the Bridges!! Which way round did you go Kincardine Bridge to FRB and back?
  10. Congratulations to those who did the 100 miler at the weekend - especially on hybrids, that must have been tough - will post about that later (the difference between road bikes and hybrids). An impressive cycle time by Drooper, not to be sniffed at.
  11. Thank goodness for that!! the only reason I posted it is that although you never should you do get those occassions when you look at your kids and feel like shouting - 'just fucking shut up!!!' Thankfully, I have always been restrained enough not to
  12. Kind of in the same situation with PFS 100 miles as I have racked up over £1k in sponsorship so regardless of weather / health I will be doing it. Even if it takes 12 hours I will finish.
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