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Status Updates posted by HEED

  1. One more Monday to work this year. Yaaaaaas.

  2. Should really have took today off work.

  3. Hahahahah, thats brilliant. Probably a Breakdown of the highest order!!

  4. is hingin!

  5. Rain 1 minute, Hail the next, Then Sun.....F**k off Scottish weather

    1. eeka


      yes, f**k it in the ear. I went 2 mins along the road - pished on. now? sunny. fucker.

  6. 1 more day to work and i'm off for 10 days. Dancer!

  7. is staying on his feet!

  8. What you doing on my profile?? F**k off nosey!

  9. Smack my bitch up!

  10. 3 is the magic number!

  11. Raving this weekend dave???

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