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Everything posted by Slacker

  1. Played an hour of Halo 2 on the PC today after it was released as part of the Master Chief Collection. It's my number one game of all time, even though I'm shite it. Glad to have it back.
  2. Anyone played via Stadia yet? I kept seeing ads on YouTube videos for it, so just signed up to their free two-month trial of Stadia Pro, meaning I can play some games for free. Going to give the Stadia-exclusive GYLT a bash this afternoon.
  3. I’ll jump on this weekend.
  4. Had a couple of glasses of Apothic Red (2018) tonight with my dinner (ribs) and it was fantastic. DId a quick Google to see what the general consensus was and it seems to be a huge hit for plebs like me but looked down on by the wine aficionados, mainly because it's 3/4 different grapes and too sugary. I'll definitely be getting it again though.
  5. Blue milk (was green but have a one-year-old and she needs the blue) White bread (preferably Warburton’s Toastie) Smoked bacon
  6. Watched Stan & Ollie last night, really enjoyed it. To the point where I binged a ton of Laurel & Hardy material*/Coogan & Reilly interviews afterwards. * Including an episode of 'This Is Your Life' where the presenter is a total arse, making fat jokes about Hardy all the time. Gets a solid 8.5 from me. Also watched Joker (8) and Green Book (8.5) over the weekend. Fantastic performances all round.
  7. Yeah she’s not a fan of eggs either - very frustrating. Will give dates a try but already dreading her offering me one...
  8. What do/did you give a 13/14 month old for breakfast? We’re rotating peanut butter on toast/cream cheese on toast/yoghurt with grapes or berries/Cheerios always finished with a piece of fruit. Getting a bit samey though and keen to experiment with other things. We’ve tried porridge and avocado on toast, she’s not really a big fan of those. What were your babies’ favourites?
  9. Baking ingredients and biscuits in another cupboard.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/fluffyamericanpancak_74828 Made these this morning: best pancakes I’ve ever made I reckon. No pics unfortunately but will do it all again next Sunday.
  11. I’d quite like to play in a proper WSOP/WPT/EPT poker tournament. Ideally by winning my place there in a satellite rather than buying in for several hundred quid. I’d also like to father at least one more child (I’ve got a 1 year old right now).
  12. Normally like Limmy but thought that was shite tonight.
  13. Not a heads gone, but just noticed pozbaird hasn’t posted since craigkillie tore him a new one. He was all over that coronavirus thread for the first 800 pages as well. I actually feel a wee bit sorry for him if he’s feeling too ashamed to return. Many have bounced back from worse!
  14. Had a go at making my own halloumi fries.
  15. Lamb mince. Vaguely follow this recipe: http://twochubbycubs.com/2015/02/18/doner-kebab/
  16. I’ve done this a few times - personally found the slow cooker version works best. Good luck. I cut the grass yesterday and changed my gas and electricity provider. Exhilarating.
  17. Speaking of cars, I'm on a PCP deal that finishes in September. I won't be driving mine again for a long time now. Would I be able to hand this back now? Or is that a total p***k move?
  18. Nice. Is that available to stream anywhere? (Also, is King of the Hill available anywhere?) Hurricane Neddy was on Channel 4 over the weekend, great episode. Now that everyone is staying at home: what you watching? I've got a one-year-old to look after so it's been tricky to watch as much stuff as I'd like, but I've mapped out my short-term TV bingeing. Currently got Better Call Saul (series 4), Arrested Development (series 5), Stranger Things (series 1) and Hunters (series 1) on the go. Downloaded four films too: Joker, 1917, Jojo Rabbit and The Peanut Butter Falcon. Get the recommendations in.
  19. Father Dougal Maguire Pat Mustard Eoin McLove Father Ted Crilly Father Noel Furlong
  20. Levante 1-0 Real Madrid. Benzema and Hazard missed a few great chances.
  21. Cheers but booking a suitcase costs pretty much the same as my flight, so I thought f**k that and will be turning up to the airport like this. No room for running shoes.
  22. Just finished Week 7 Run 3 (25 minute run) there and kept it going until 33 minutes - so technically I've completed the programme. Could've quite easily kept going too but needed to call time on it. Going to Valencia on Friday for five days and won't be taking my running gear, so I'll make sure I get two or three 5km runs in before that. Delighted to have stuck with the programme though, it's been great. Thinking about signing up to the Great Scottish Run [10k] at the start of October now.
  23. Uncut Gems. 9/10. Had a quick search of this forum to see what other folk thought of it and no one seemed to enjoy it like I did. I thought it was exciting, with a great performance from Sandler. Great pace throughout.
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