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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. Spends a lot more time in there than he does out in the middle batting tbf.
  2. Evans wins! 5 hours 35 minutes, longest match in US Open history.
  3. 20 odd minutes ago Khachonov was 4-0 up in the 5th against Dan Evans with 3 break points to go 5-0. Now he's serving to stay in the match at 4-5 down.
  4. I think a lot of it was to do with the flak they copped last year for Zach's clique getting picked, Bradley has the makings of a decent captain imo. I posted last week though that it's a bit embarrassing that the captain is playing far better than most of the potential team.
  5. It's not perfect, but they've tinkered with it since the year Vijay won it and had f**ked off home with most of the players still on the course.
  6. A record 9 Europeans in the final 30 next week, Aberg, McIlroy, Lowry, Hovland, MacIntyre, Fleetwood, Straka, Pavon and Rai. Bob will be starting 8 shots back on -2.
  7. That 9th/18th teebox f**ks with my brain every time I see it.
  8. Adam Scott throwing it back to Lytham in 2012. Unfortunately for him it's the last 5 holes rather than the previous 67.
  9. Imo the round is scrubbed and everyone starts again. If not, they would have to be able to ensure that all the pin positions are the same as today's.
  10. Talking of playing the situation.
  11. Similar at Bishopbriggs, sign coming off the 9th saying you should be 1hr 50mins max at that point.
  12. You certainly see some different things watching the women compared to the men, don't think we'll see any men teeing off wearing furry ear muffs any time soon.
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