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Dexters Paw

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Posts posted by Dexters Paw

  1. So...what size should I get? Thinking of using it for a number of uses - only 2 of us in the house, but could be used to make slow cooked curries etc...

    Any recommendations?

    I got a 3.5l one from ASDA which was only about £12 and it does the two of us fine. There's normally enough left for a couple of smaller portions too

  2. I cant believe I have only just found this club!

    I bought one last weekend, its preparing my beef and ale stew as we speak, friday night stew and dumplings!

    any recipes and tips are greatly appreciated my fellow Slow Cookers!

    They are absolutely brilliant machines. I made the pulled pork recipe that Unleash The Nade posted for dinner last night and it was tremendous. His stovies recipe was also superb.... he should write a book!!

  3. 13 Beloved ( 2006 )

    Mental. Fucking mental. It's an amazing story of desperation buried inside gore and horror. Brilliantly acted, even better directed, and astonishing on almost every level. And when you think it can't possibly get anymore crazy, the climax comes and leaves your jaw on the floor. I can't agree with Salty enough when he says you have to see this movie. If it was a studio movie, people would be talking about it as one of the greatest ever. As it is, I suppose we can only hope it gets watched on word of mouth alone.


    I've taken your's and SaltyTon's recommendations on this and ordered it last week from Amazon.

    Definateley one of the best Asian films i've ever seen and ending with a twist that I just did not see coming. Well worth checking out before Hollywood decide to ruin it.

    9/10 (Point taken off for the scene in the restaraunt - yuck)

  4. Been hearing a lot of good things about these recently and this thread made me take the plunge on Saturday and shell out a whopping £12 from ASDA for this wee beauty.


    I browned some casserole beef up on Monday morning before work, fired it into the cooker along with onion, swede, potato, leek and carrot. Added some beef stock, seasoning and a dash of Worcester Sauce and left it to simmer away all day. By the time we got home the house smelled braw and were left with a pretty tasty casserole. 5 minutes of work in the morning and it's job done. I am now well and truly hooked and looking forward to my Slow Cooker recipe book arriving from Amazon.

    The good thing is, you can buy the cheaper cuts of meat and they still come out nice and tender.

    Long live The P&B Slow Cookers Owners Club!! biggrin.gif

  5. Stoic

    Got this off Filmflex the other night as it was only 99p in the Special Offers Folder.

    A pretty disturbing but compelling film starring Edward Furlong as a prisoner locked in a cell with three other guys. It's basically about the four of them playing a game of poker that goes badly pear-shaped when one of the guys chickens out of a bet they made after losing a hand. What follows is a systematic beating, rape and torture of the guy, ultimately leading to them forcing him to hang himself.

    Definately not one to watch if you're planning a romantic night in but i quite enjoyed it.

    A solid 7/10.

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