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Posts posted by DosserDel

  1. 1 hour ago, Swami said:

    Despite winning yesterday and me getting this watch Sportscene for the first time in months, that defence was a shambles and needs sorted. A decent team would have taken us to the cleaners. 

    Nice of Ricki Lamie to remind us all that he is still definitely mince. 

    Some seriously clown shoes defending at both sides of the park yesterday which made for a very open, chaotic, and entertaining game. 

    Big Sol is a more than capable defender, but his decision making on the ball lately has been woeful. I don't know if there's a glitch in his brain to make him suddenly think he's prime Baresi, but the number of times he has an easy option on, but instead does his daft wee pirouette with an opposing player bearing down and ends up hoofing it into the stand under pressure is mental. He got away with it a few times yesterday but it's going to end up costing us. Back to basics ffs big man. 

    Like most, left the ground feeling relatively entertained for the first time in god knows how long. Next week it's in our own hands, let's see how we can contrive to completely f**k it. 


  2. 45 minutes ago, jimmy boo said:

    England going to 1M so when will our supreme leader follow suit? The usual 2 week delay?

    Don't think it matters when she does it as a large percentage of the population have binned it off completely already anyway. 

    Trains have been mostly utilised by jakies, junkies, and the young team in recent weeks , but in Glasgow and the West today there were groups of all ages and backgrounds travelling in groups together, obviously heading off to various social gatherings and events with absolutely none of the guidelines being adhered to. 

    Social distancing, for the most part, is already a lost cause. 

    The figures indicate steady progression and to be seen to follow suit to 1M with down south, without the two week delay, could ingratiate her a bit with some of her detractors, as its already beyond that level with a lot of folk anyway. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Green Day said:

    Daily Record and Daily Mail reporting that there is better than expected support for reconstruction.

    The Sun and The Times suggest otherwise.

    Good to see consistency from journalists sources 😁

    Record and Mail sources = Rangers and Celtic pasties toeing the party line for their whitey colts idea. 

    Sun and Times sources = some cnut from the other 40 clubs who gives a fûck and knows the actual score. 

  4. The best thing I found from English's recent tweets was nothing to do with his footballing insights, merely that a Ms Georgie Lyall had commented on one of them regarding hitting 100k followers. 

    Upon clicking her profile and being taken to her own feed, one is able to view some samples of her 'work'. 

    Extremely NSFW if you were of a mind to investigate , but definitely an accomplished Scottish artiste in her field. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, bennett said:

    Celebrations a bit louder than usual tonight, I thought that it was starting to taper off.

    Same round my way, and don't know if they were hoping for some sort of 'clapper of the week' award or something, but there was one twat who carried on solo for about another minute after the rest of them had stopped. 

    Took me by surprise tonight. Was sitting with the bathroom window slightly ajar enjoying my evening toly when all the clapping, whooping, and pot banging started. Killed the ambiance completely tbh. Is fucking nothing sacred any more? 

  6. The wife and daughter were out on the step clapping along with all the other numpties, a lot of pot banging and whooping going on. They basically said they feel they need to do it for fear of looking bad. Wtf?, although I would imagine a lot of people also do it for just that reason. 

    Closed the door on them and retreated to the living room, toe curling levels of cringe. Stupid shit needs binned pronto. 

  7. Shift pattern at work includes a long weekend every third week, so not due back til Wednesday.

    Normally absolutely buzzing when it comes around with plenty of plans to make the most of it, maybe a nice meal out or an overnight visit somewhere. Some time spent tackling the to do list around the house, or an away day at the fitba' if it ties in (how good does an away day sound right now)?. 

    Not this time, obviously. Can't go anywhere, and unable to source materials required to crack on with work in the garden etc. Frustrating as f*ck, and it's only early a.m. on my first day off!! 

    On another note, my teabreak yesterday was in Glasgow city centre and staff area was busier than I was comfortable with at this time, so I used the time for my daily exercise and went a walk around town instead. 

    Extremely weird and eerily quiet. Looking along the whole length of Buchanan St, from top to bottom at 10 in the morning and counting only a dozen or so people, when there would normally be hundreds bustling around, was quite surreal. Suppose it means folk are following advice though. 

    Is it too early for a T. ??!! 


  8. I work as a train driver, so still out there and working same shift pattern as normal. Hours vary a bit from usual , but still following a fairly regular, structured working week. 

    Pretty glad to still be out working tbh, as I don't know how I'd cope with prolonged hours stuck at home. I'm not really one for sitting around watching box sets etc, also gaming and stuff doesn't interest me. On my days off there are a few things around the house I will occupy myself with when unable to get out and about. 

    The good lady is self employed and works from a unit at home, and will now be idle until this is over. She is starting to struggle without the structure of her normal day. She frets about me going to work each day for fear of me coming into contact with the virus, but personally I'm fairly confident the risks are minimal. I have pretty much no contact with the general public, being in the cab out the way. The only real contact I have is with colleagues, and everyone is pretty aware of the social distancing and most do what they can in terms of cab hygiene, wiping down controls, wearing gloves where available etc. 

    Really sympathise with anyone struggling with what is a monumental change to many people's daily routines, and obviously the added worry of the health situation for themselves and their families. 

     This site is a great place in these unprecedented times. Whether you're looking to keep up to date in the Covid threads, have a laugh in some others, or seek solace or advice in the superbly helpful and non-judgmental depression thread, there's something for everyone here. 

    Last paragraph sounds very birthday caird pish patter, but it's 100% true. 

    Stay in touch with the world, stay positive and stay safe. 

    Mon the P&B. 

  9. Working on the railway, I have noticed the trains getting gradually quieter over my last couple of shifts, as some office based workers etc begin to work from home. 

    If things continue on the current trajectory, it surely can't be long until some form of public travel restrictions are implemented. 

    The volumes of passengers crossing each others paths in the larger stations far outnumber the figures quoted by the government for mass indoor/outdoor gatherings, and surely the chances of the virus spreading are vastly increased with the shared surfaces (seats, tables, door buttons, handrails) each commuter touches etc. 

    Especially when we have mouthbreathers walking amongst us who find it acceptable to piss on the train toilet floor, or smear shite on the wall. (the regularity with which this happens is truly unreal). Fairly sure requests to wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds fall on deaf ears in these quarters. 

    As has been mentioned already, the train and bus operating companies will carry on as normal until the government put restrictions in place, for fear of public backlash. Can't see it being too long before they do though. 

  10. Shite. 

    Could, and probably should have been a couple up at half time. Aarons was causing them problems in that first 45, and we had a good few decent chances. Watt's run and effort from our own half was excellent too. 

    That second half though, what an utter shambles. Aarons and Hylton were pish, and your heart just sinks when you see the hopeless Seedorf being sent on to try and rescue the situation. 

    Fair play to St Mirren though, at one down they took the game to us, and after getting the equaliser made themselves compact, hit us on the break, and we just had no answer to break them down. As easy a 45 as Hladky could have hoped for. 

    Great to see Turnbull back on the park, but other than that, yet another in a growing list of games to forget since December. Poor stuff. 


  11. 12 hours ago, Ron Aldo said:

    Mind when we were good for about 6 months?

    Thing is, were we though? 

    I think our deficiencies have always been there, only masked by most of the other sides in the league being an even worse level of shite than us. 

    Now that a few of them seem to have turned the corner, the fight is on to stay top 6, never mind top 4.

    Obviously we've lost the physical element of our attack, but back to middle we're pretty much as was. 

    Missed big Dec badly last night, and Mugabi as stated previously will just not do. If big Charlie Taxi can get back fit, a central pairing of him and Gallagher could be the best option we have. Hartley was again abysmal last night on a personal performance, never mind showing any form of leadership when we started so badly. 

    Accies on Saturday is a big game now, and my optimism levels for that are low. Robinson has some serious work to do. 


  12. Flying to Turkey with Thomas Cook on Sunday ( hopefully ) .

    Booked flights and hotel package through Travel Republic , so ATOL protected with them .

    I have a few days spare at the other end of my holidays before returning to work , so not overly worried if things go tits up with Cook's while we're over there , will have time for them to get alternative flights sorted , and a few extra days in the sun won't hurt .

    Just need the fuckers to get me there first !!

    On a serious note though , hope things can be sorted out for the sake of their employees .

  13. Just saw the bold Div Turnbull going into the Costa at Carfin .

    Was tempted to get out the car , thank him for his services and the social media lol's over the last couple of days , and wish him well .

    Decided that being approached by some randomer in his 40's might not be high on the wishlist for the day of Scottish football's hottest talent  , so I'll just say it on here instead .

    Cheers David boy , it's been brief but by f**k it's been enjoyable .

  14. 1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    Who is this guy and what’s the story here?

    Basically him and his partner became a talking point on Twitter a while back .

    She had been in the press for stalking a former friend and photoshopping pics to make it look as though they were a couple , even though the guy was in a relationship with someone else .

    She went as far as going to places the guy had visited ,including down to London, and posting pics on her Twitter pretending the guy had taken them while they had been away together , an altogether unhinged character .

    Some of the pics appeared to have the Craig fella in the background or reflections meaning he was probably complicit.

    He is now her actual partner and their Twitter content is a mix of weird , disturbing , and outrageously staunch .



  15. 1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Was he just walking or was he dancing through it like the video? I can't imagine him walking normally.

    Nah , was just walking through looking a little uncomfortable at a few folk looking across , yet also seeming to kinda enjoy being recognised .

    I see he's back with a vengeance on Twitter , or his mental mrs is masquerading as him again .

    Lots of #staunch content , pics of their favourite tipple , and this . . . .


  16. As @Casagolda absolutely nails above , £3M is a tremendous amount for the club to bank , completes our quest to become debt free , and helps secure the club's short to mid term future .

    A lot of people have lost sight of that and are having very public meltdowns and digs at the club , when they have no idea of any clauses or gentleman's agreements which may have been put in place when the bold Div signed his contract extension , or how any release clause or acceptable bid amount was set .

    I will be gutted to see the boy go , and particularly if it does indeed end up being to another team in the same league , but I'm also comfortable that Mr Burrows et al will have done , and continue to do their utmost to get the best deals they can for our players .

    Still got my fingers crossed the Celtic talks fall in their arse and he heads off down south right enough .

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