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bring me SON shine

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Posts posted by bring me SON shine

  1. ........................9th/12th...............16th.............23rd..............26th................30th.........


    Dumbarton... Q of S ....(H)....... Raith ...(H) St.Mirren (H).. Hibernian (A)... Alloa (A) 


    Livingston..... Morton... (H).........................Q of S...... (A).. Rangers (H).... Raith (H)

  2. I'm talking about maintaining the lux level of the current lighting. Nothing more. That means replacing lamps lamps when they become defective(maintenance). If you look at the lights the next time you're there you will see many are in need of replacement.

    They had the lights on for a few hours earlier this week during the daytime!!

  3. Castlegreen Street was under water Wednesday morning, but was ok again by 11am

    The town centre , next to the Leven was under two feet of water and so was Balloch train station

    Forcast is for rain Thursday turning heavy in the evening, no rain Friday but rain Saturday am

    no looking good!!

  4. Luton missed out on the play off to League one by 3 points, after being promoted from The Blue Square the year before.

    Average attendances averaged 8,700 last season and 1,000 away from home

    a club on the way up, putting SOD very much in the shop window a few years down the line

    they are a top end of League one club, maybe bottom end of Championship club

  5. I'm sure Ewings, Graham, Agnew and Fleming have all agreed new terms, a very good backbone to the squad and more will surely follow, DVZ has a option to a second season, half a dozen long term players like Gilhaney, several ex youth players too..

    the process is in place, its only May, dont panic... yet!!

    hopefully there just one pricing structure next season and no cat A and cat B crap,

    Doubt the price will drop to a realistic level for walk up matches. (the price of fame in the championship)

  6. £18 for a category B game is a hell of a lot of money for the standard of football

    I believe season tickets average just over £13 for adults which is good value for the Championship.

    I'm thinking about getting a season ticket next season, does the club do a direct debit scheme, or is it cash up front only?

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