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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. After the shitfest that was Burnistoun series 3 and the awful Gary Tank Commander I really hope this lives up to expectations.
  2. Our talisman figure in History at Dundee is Chris Storrs. A man that managed to coerce two Biology students that had turned up to the wrong lecture hall into staying for a full hour and 10 minutes discussion on Charles V's reign as Holy Roman Emperor. I genuinely believe if it wasn't five weeks into the course they would've transferred there and then.
  3. I was the lucky b*****d the other day with the other player having 15 shots on target to my 2. I won 1-0 and he went on his Twitter (it was his motto) to launch into a tirade about how unjust it was and that I was a 'retard' 30-5 though, I'm having a grand time on FIFA 13.
  4. I thought Argos would be a good bet. I'll have a walk over at some point. Cheers.
  5. Does anyone know where I can get a cheap silver chain that a ned would probably wear? I'm going as Super Hans for Halloween and need this to complete the outfit.
  6. NotThePars

    Breaking Bad

    Get a free month of Netflix and take a week off work.
  7. NotThePars

    South Park

    All I ever wanted was for Bane to say "respect my authoritaw" and now South Park has given me it. Fantastic.
  8. There were certainly some Dundee players in and one definitely looked v. similar to Nish. I also won't hear a word against the food, I help prepare it!
  9. Tonight while working in Nando's I'm pretty sure I prepared some chicken burgers for Colin Nish and several other Dundee players. One of them had a Prego and the other had a 1/2 chicken. I wish I had a more interesting story than this but there you go.
  10. Hilarious to find out that Duncan Jenkins was just making it up the whole time, he did get a lot right. What an awful year to be Liverpool PR.
  11. NotThePars

    Breaking Bad

    Aye Skyler's the only one that pisses me off any more. Walt Jr came on leaps and bounds in series 3.
  12. Is there a title for when you for example read a book or watch a programme then suddenly begin to see references to it everywhere? A friend of mine has noticed people referencing parts of American Psycho after he finished reading the book and I've had it before. I'm certain I've seen someone else mention this before and had a name for it but it's eluding me at the moment. Apologies if this is v. vague but that's the best I could put it. Edit: no he does not read this website or I would see what he meant with the American Psycho references.
  13. I didn't think Karen Gillan's acting would hold up but it was a tearjerker. I also have to admit that I was shouting at people in Dundee City Centre later that night to keep their eyes on the Desperate Dan statue so I could get home safe.
  14. Limmy's Show is far better IMO. Burnistoun treds the line of quality and pish so frequently whereas even most of Limmy's less funnier sketches still have an element of surrealism that keeps it interesting.
  15. A mate of mine on my course (History and Politics) thought the Guardian was a supporter of the coalition government and staunchly disagreed with me when I pointed out that it was a notably left wing newspaper. A week later I'm still confused as to how he made it to third year politics without noticing this whenever he's read it.
  16. Fake Blood at the Reading Rooms on the 29th. I encourage everyone in the Dundee area to go!
  17. Yeah it was a good one. This series has been infinitely better than the last one, much funnier.
  18. My first gig was the MEN Arena back in 2008 and from what I remember it's much better than the SECC. Seems more geared towards gigs and the standing was pretty good for a large place. Two pits and a general standing from what I recall.
  19. He does come across as quite bitter at times but he makes some very good points about many of the Twitter accounts featured though I disagree with his opinion that American Dad is one of the best sitcoms of the past decade.
  20. @surrealfootball is a good Twitter account and this Tumblr has sprung up recently with some very good blog posts on the 100 worst people on Twitter. 100 Worst Twitter Accounts Choice blog posts include: Noel Fielding & Joey Barton
  21. Thought Matt Smith was on top form last night. Had me laughing near constantly and a good inclusion of David Mitchell and Robert Webb as the robots.
  22. NotThePars

    Breaking Bad

    i've watched the entire 5 series in the past week and it is without a doubt the greatest show I have ever watched.
  23. Submarine's on Channel 4 right now and just starting on +1. One of my favourite movies and a genuinely moving acoustic soundtrack provided by Alex Turner.
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