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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I agree that a lot of music in the charts is poor but plenty of decent artists get exposure in the charts, it's not like it's exclusively for godawful acts. The album charts especially have loads of good acts making the top five, I mean Iron Maiden got a number one very recently
  2. Really? I'm sure we can find several bands you like that have had at least one track that have hit top 40 or do you hate all popular music?
  3. Coincidentally four grounds I need to visit, thanks a bunch.
  4. I've decided to make it a mission of visiting every ground in the Scottish leagues down to the Third Division before I graduate. Question is, can someone give me pointers as to the nearest football teams to the Dundee area? Thanks.
  5. Probably a bit late now but tvshack.cc is what I use Anyway, I wanted to ask: Does anyone know where this lyric "I do what I like and I like what I do" comes from? It's from a song I'm sure I've got on my iTunes but I can't for the life of me remember.
  6. The guy supporting them in the advert is a pompous w****r which to be fair covers a select segment of the Old Firm support. You know, that group that feel the need to patronise you for supporting a diddy team
  7. I'd say you were about 50/50 to get an unconditional but as Paco says, if it's a conditional it won't be anything more than a B so just pick an easy Higher. From past experience, I'm sure Strathclyde demands 3 A's and a B for the course I applied to and they gave me an unconditional without the B. Anyway, I'm going to Uni Dundee University to study Politics and History next month. I can't wait!
  8. I checked my UCAS and it said that my entry to Dundee was changed to an Unconditional and that this was updated on the 31st July. I never got an email to tell me or anything, so I wasted 6 days stressing over what my results were going to be when it didn't matter at all.
  9. Got the tickets for Pendulum, so I've got Muse next month at Wembley, MGMT the week after, Crystal Castles in October and Pendulum to finish the year off gigswise!
  10. I'm looking to buy a trench coat/military style jacket(preferably cropped) for university. Can anyone give me any advice on where to look for them like specific websites or retailers? Thanks.
  11. Three good people to follow are Peter Serafinowicz - http://twitter.com/serafinowicz Chris Addison - http://twitter.com/mrchrisaddison & Charlie Brooker - http://twitter.com/charltonbrooker I use it a fair bit cause alot of people I know use it but I couldn't see the attraction if they didn't.
  12. You mean DCs? I have a pair of them lying about somewhere..
  13. The one time that happened to me, I went home and changed. Peer pressure and all that y'know...
  14. Psychology teacher not turning up today, I need to know if I've passed this nab and what else I have to do to sit the exam. It's especially annoying cause I think I need a grade from it to go to university.
  15. Rock Ness on the 11th-13th June & TITP in July. Next proper gig, however, is Muse at Wembley on the 9th September which will be incredible and MGMT on the 20th September at the Barrowlands which I'm a bit unsure of what to expect:huh: Has anyone seen Plan B live? He's playing Fat Sams in October and I might pop along if he's a good live act.
  16. The new Crystal Castles self titled. It's fantastic!
  17. The Horrors - Who Can Say Primary Colours is one of the best surprises of the last year IMO.
  18. MGMT - Congratulations It's a mess. But I think I like it.
  19. Waking up and the sun is shining through the window, before you step outside and it's freezing! Also, someone phoning me(phone is in another room) at the exact moment Burnley go 1-0 up! So I missed it.
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