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Dee Man

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Everything posted by Dee Man

  1. Rangers doing their best to piss off as many sponsors as possible this season. Check out Ryan Kent's shirt...
  2. It is an absolute travesty that the season has begun and the Scottish footballing public are being denied the spectacle of GGS turning defenders inside out and curling shots into the postage stamp. You can only imagine no-one is interested in paying him what his agent is currently asking for and he'll go with the highest offer on deadline day, ie. Dundee FC.
  3. Delayed karma for the Hassan Kachloul affair IMO. Better late than never I suppose.
  4. As I scrolled down I fucking knew it was that game before I even saw your post. Nine years on and the whereabouts of that polo shirt still remains a mystery
  5. Sakes Granny, even I know he wouldn't be a relation due to your baldy-heided player being spelled Eamonn Bannon.
  6. Martin Boyle to be buzzing on the back of his new pay rise and terrorise our non-existent full backs. BUT, Paul McMullan to show him who's the best winger on the pitch. Prediction: Dundee 15 billion v Hibs 6
  7. You have to hope against hope that somehow due diligence hadn't been done properly and the boy gets told to bolt and Nelms releases a statement saying we were completely unaware of his past. Irrespective of your views on whether he should be given a second chance or whether you think he's actually guilty of the crime or not or not, the baggage that comes with someone with charges like that and being on the register means you shouldn't be touching players like that with a barge pole.
  8. Every time the players walk through the main entrance at Dens there are about 5 or 6 women who work in the office immediately on the right hand side through the door. Not to mention there is a woman who sits on the bench every week. Not a great look to have one player in the squad you have to keep away from them. Anyone who forces themselves onto what are generally considered to be the 2nd most vulnerable members of society can get volleyed into the Tay as far as I'm concerned. BTW, how do you know he hasn't "gone under the radar"? This sort of behaviour isn't generally in isolation. I doubt he just got unlucky and got caught the first time he did it. I know footballers aren't generally renowned for their intelligence, but to plead guilty, not appeal and then further down the line attempt to plead your innocence and blame bad counsel advice is probably as thick as it gets.
  9. Shirley it's because the condition is called Dwarfism?
  10. I reckon, and hope, he won't get signed. The club have been pretty decent at reacting to backlash from fans and hopefully the discontent amongst the supporters makes its way to the powers that be. The only way I'd be happy that this boy is even on trial is if one of the squad is related to the girl in question and they want a two-footed retribution in training.
  11. FFS Although I don't think a brain fart typo is really comparable to a guy pulling a gun for being called out on his poor manners tbf. Edit: And now I've made another c**t of it by deleting the post as I tried to edit it.
  12. "Women are a very important part of society and we guarantee their safety."
  13. You should dress up in a monkey costume and box @Bairnardo to find the answer to this question. @WhiteRoseKilie, just because I am joining in this 'debate' does not mean I condone the language.
  14. I'm not certain but I believe a singular boob can't be referred to as a bosom.
  15. If it's any consolation, I got it right away.
  16. Those first five words some up all that is wrong with America IMO.
  17. Mate, you need to stop quoting Hugh Keevins. He's just a dafty on the radio whose opinion is no more valid than yours or mine.
  18. Apologies but the moderation actions don't allow this option.
  19. Does your Tx stand for Texas? Texans take it particularly badly when they are asked to return their trolley and offered a shaming bumper magnet. Pulling a gun seems a slightly excessive reaction IMO. https://youtu.be/h8d_XYd1dac
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