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Posts posted by Jambomo

  1. When you see someone smoking you automatically knock a few points off what you think their IQ should be. Especially now, when they are huddled outside in the pissing rain, desperately puffing away - nobody really looks cool smoking anymore.

  2. 1 hour ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

    Charities, they are all over the telly, they phone your house, show up at the door and you find them on the street to, just f**k off already. 

    Totally agree. They are everywhere! One of my PTTGOYN is sponsorship for charities. It used to be that you sponsored someone for doing something because it was something that was a challenge and they had to put real effort and time into being able to complete it. Now half the requests I get are people who are going to run a 5km or worse, walk it. I get that for some there are good reasons why that might be difficult but the average person should be able to do this easily - I walk that to and from work everyday FFS.

    Things like not drinking for a month or wearing a Christmas jumper to work - WTF? I'm not paying anyone to do any of these things.

  3. Folk in work who think they are heroes because they come in early, work past the end of their shift and (one in particular) who thinks she's special because she 'forgets' to have lunch or even have a lunch break as she is so busy. I think she likes people worrying about her and telling her to eat, since she always feels faint or unwell because of it.

    What is the point? This isn't the kind of place that will give you a payrise or recognize your hard work beyond a thank you. They spend half the day chatting and fannying about anyway.

    I do quite enjoy leaving on time and having my hours lunchbreak though, they all sound really pissed off at me when I say cheerio :lol:

  4. 1 hour ago, Al B said:

    Can't be too many people that would have expected Top Gear (Evans aside), to have come out of this being the good one!

    Yeah! Its quite interesting, I think the shows have kind of split into different directions. If you are actually interested in cars and want to find out about them then you watch the New top Gear, if you want to see the comedy side of 3 men having a laugh with a bit of a nod to, well all vehicles really, then you watch the Grand Tour.

    I think the new Top Gear has some space to improve, now Evans has gone the most annoying factor has been taken out of it and if they stick with the car reviews, particularly from Harris and Reid who were excellent at them, they should evolve into a great show. If the media give them the chance to that is. The problem for the Grand Tour is that its a bit old. The jokes, the script, the challenges have all been done before x 100. I'm not sure they really have much room to improve things unless they have the guts to change it dramatically.

  5. I thought that I was being a bit harsh on it so I watched the 4th episode to see if it was a bit different after its had a few shows to bed in but unfortunately its still totally shite.

    A whole show devoted to watching them put together sustainable cars, which was the usual front for them doing stupid stuff, watching them "accidentally" break each others cars, seeing bits fall off and watching one of them sink in some water. Thank f**k I didn't actually pay for it.

  6. That's irrelevant. If the league was to end now it wouldn't say "aw but they won it on goal difference" on the league table. It'd say Hibernian champions. Again.

    It doesn't end now though. You can't say that McKinnon is not doing a very good job based on your fictional idea that the league ends now. He is doing a good job and has United matching Hibs very well so far.
  7. 18 minutes ago, RiG said:

    Would the Jambos take John Hughes? I seem to recall there was a story a wee while back saying he wouldn't have any issues taking the managers job.


    I wouldn't. Not because I dislike him as a person but I just think he's become one of the 'standby options' that are always mentioned when a club is looking for a new manager in Scotland, in the same way that Bruce, Warnock, McCarthy get talked about for new posts all the time in England. He isn't a bad manager but he is not a particularly great one either and i'd rather go for someone unknown who might be brilliant (or terrible) than go for someone we know is only ok.

  8. It's a chance to try something different and new - might work, might not - you could say the same of any coach - even an allegedly safe pair of hands like Tommy Wright.

    Wonder who this latest name in the frame is?

    I agree with this, happy to try someone a bit different rather than the usual names that get banded around in Scotland.
  9. Folk moaning about Christmas. I totally appreciate that some people have good and completely understandable reasons for not enjoying Christmas but I am talking about the folk who manage to find something negative about every aspect of it and just moan about petty and stupid issues for the sake of it.

    I mean, I'm not a fan of the whole Black Friday thing but some folk go on about how terrible it is and shouldn't be allowed. Its just a fucking sale and if you don't like it, then ignore it - just as you presumably do for every other advert that you get on TV, Radio and the internet as every other time of the year.

    Someone else was going on about how awful all the greed is, months and months of eating and 'Don't we all know there is an obesity crisis?' also, how they hate being forced to eat food they don't want to. Well don't, if you are an adult you get to choose how much you eat, what you eat and when you eat it. If you don't like gluttony over Christmas, then put down the mince pie and eat what you like. Don't like turkey, well have something else for dinner that you do like.

    My personal favourite moan is that they hate the 'Forced Jollity' which for them is probably true as the people I am thinking of in particular have probably never been jolly in their lives. Forced Jollity - otherwise known as some people enjoying themselves and having a good time.

    I think we've become a nation of whining b*****ds.

  10. I watched half of the first episode and got to say that I hated it. Same old shit on a bigger budget and i was cringing at the start, were we meant to be feeling sorry for Clarkson? It was all a bit ego-tastic. Like a lot of people, I had gone off old Top Gear anyway and thought they missed an opportunity to do something different.

    Controversially I actually liked the BBC's new Top Gear, well the bits without Evans anyway. I liked how they actually went back to properly reviewing cars, Chris Harris an Rory Reid were both excellent.

  11. On 20/11/2016 at 10:13, stumigoo said:

    Leipzig have found numerous loopholes to get through the German rules regarding ownership. Despite the fact that they are technically not 'Red Bull' they are in almost every way and it has angered fans of pretty much every other club. It is always refreshing to see someone a bit different do well and as Dundee Ton points out they have a good signing policy and have at least tried to build a proper squad.

    Thoroughly enjoyed the Dortmund/Bayern game last night but I thought the BT commentary team were absolutely dreadful. Nigel Spackman in particular. He knew nothing about German football and his little pieces of 'insight' were just bizarre.

    It seems a bit strange that they are seething about RB Leipzig when you have teams such as Wolfsburg that came from being a club for the factory workers or even worse Bayer Leverkusen, who are owned and named after Bayer pharmaceutical company.

    I can get why they don't like the model much but its not as though the Bundesliga is corporate free.

  12. I don't necessarily mind the idea but I think it would actually be quite hard to do without introducing some kind of ID card.

    Passports don't really show anything in terms of being eligible for NHS care and it is open to residents of this country (who don't all have UK passports) and people who are UK citizens but live abroad aren't eligible either. What would showing the passport actually prove? I think it would also be difficult for a non-UK citizen to prove without doubt how long they have lived here to show eligibility.

    The question would be whether the cost of implementing new systems and staff for checking etc really be worth it?

  13. 33 minutes ago, Nizzy said:

    Take her out for another drink. Keep it simple. Can any whacky thoughts. Be sociable. Get to know her a bit more.

    This one. Just go for a drink, somewhere you can chat to her. If you feel that the night isn't going so well, why not go to a comedy club or something? Its still largely interactive because there isn't the same level of silence expected as with a film and you can chat about how good/bad the comedians are.

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