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Posts posted by Jambomo

  1. 1 minute ago, hehawhehaw said:

    Sober up hen

    Schools sending letters to parents asking them to confirm their children's nationality – foreign doctors “allowed to stay” until they can be replaced – firms ordered to disclose how many foreign workers the have - the uncertain status of EU nationals living in the UK is “one of our main cards” - lies told during the referendum campaign are “unimportant” - now foreign academics not allowed to advise the government.


    Why don't you show some evidence to prove that i'm wrong?

  2. Just now, ICTChris said:

    French police searching a train for MEP Mike Hookem.

    This is the end of UKIP isn't it?  How can they continue?

    I take it he must think he's killed Woolfe or he wouldn't run away like this, not just for punching somebody.

    I wish they couldn't continue but they are a party that can and will brazen out any kind of scandal/embarrassment with a shrug, laugh and appeal to the common man of "we'll we've all done that".. 

  3. If the current Tory government continue with the same rhetoric that they have been pushing this week then it'll be sooner rather than later.

    They put UKIP to shame in the right-wing nationalistic stakes and I think many people are finally seeing what a real nationalistic party actually looks like.

  4. 23 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

    After watching the police dash cam and bodycam footage of this latest shooting, its very questionable. There's no doubt that the guy who was shot, Keith Scott, has a history of violence and weapons related charges but the police have been very vague as to why they were there. They say they were there to arrest someone else and witnessed Scott holding a gun. His family claim he was holding a book, which is not uncommon for him. Police have shown pictures of a gun and holster they say they recovered from the scene. They claim the officer who fired the shots was not wearing a body cam, which is a little questionable. None of the footage either from the dash, bodycam or the guys wife, who filmed it all on her phone show any signs of the suspect holding a gun. 

    There are plenty of unjustified shootings by police in the US, there is no doubt of that whatsoever but there are also justified shootings aswell, which category this one is in i cant say but im leaning towards unjustified unless the police can show more evidence than they already have. Problem is that these Black Live's matter activists act like every single shooting is completely unjustified and that its just "the white man" killing African Americans, when thats hardly the case at all

    Are there justified shootings though? Plenty of other nations, including those which have a high presence of gun use, manage to go at least a week without shooting somebody. There seems to be a massive kill first and ask questions later policy which isn't right at all.

    Why do they never look at other options? even things like using tasers - which aren't without risks, would surely help in reducing the rates of police shootings.

  5. It makes me laugh that Liepzig are the laughing stock, as if they are any worse then any other team in the budesliga.

    They are hated in Germany because the Bundesliga tries to have rules over the single wealthy owner bankrolling a team - kind of model. They try to have a degree of fan ownership and people who have multiple decision makers on the board. Red Bull kind of stretches this rule.

    It isn't much worse to any of the other clubs around Europe though, we are used to seeing these kind of club ownerships.
  6. Its actually quite sobering.

    Who is the next scapegoat. Who are they going to turn on next when dreams fall around them.

    I got the impression, from a comment of Farage's, that their goal is trying to destroy the EU and to do that they are off to encourage the right-wing in other countries such as France/Netherlands etc.

  7. Just caught up with tonight's show and it was excellent. Caught part of the old show on Dave earlier and it was just the three of the messing about and was totally set-up for all these accidents and stuff to happen. I honestly think the new show is now much better.

  8. Just saw a trail for this where they have chefs trying to prepare a meal in the back of cars.

    Is this what it's come to?


    The old show was never far away from stuff like that itself. Pretty sure I remember them cooking in the back of a caravan one episode!

  9. I'm actually a bit disappointed that they haven't used it as a chance to change the format a bit and freshen it up totally.

    As said, the old Top Gear was pretty stale and TBH I stopped watching the last few series because it seemed mostly just to be Clarkson & Co having free holidays on the BBC in the guise of a car challenge.

    I think they have missed a trick in letting the presenters put their own stamp on things and thinking about how it could be made better again.

  10. Ad lib is right in that there isn't a medical argument that doesn't also apply to thousands of other relationships, and there isn't a moral argument which isn't already covered by other crimes.

    But it's a nice evening, so I'm not getting involved in this.

    I'm not sure that's true. There was some research which indicated mental illnesses in Amish people due to inbreeding (since they only marry and breed within their own community).

    Whilst of course that doesn't stop people using contraception, there are pressure that parole face that may make these not an option I.e religion, cultural issues. We can't assume everyone over 18 has perfect freedom to decide as many people in this country don't, without being particularly considered as vulnerable people.

    But like CCH, I'm not going to argue - I'm off to catch a plane 😄

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